  • Dec 13, 2022

    Ily bro but u r a ktt2 poster

    dont really think any user here turned out fine really


  • lil ufo 🛸
    Dec 13, 2022
    1 reply

    yeah i used to think it would be easier to find your kid to do more productive things during a day but its really hard t convince kids to do things they dont want to.

    it's also the collective mentality of kids, kids go to school and they talk there and they see other kids playing with X and Y devices/games and they also want that so it's very difficult to maintain a kid off the gaming rail

    the only thing you can do as a parent is to discipline early and to encourage them having other interests (like nature and knowledge and arts, idk)

  • Dec 13, 2022
    1 reply

    i think gaming industry been doing a lot of work about that with making so many s***tygames

    i used to be able to play for hours

    now i just get bored or want a break lmfao

  • lil ufo

    it's also the collective mentality of kids, kids go to school and they talk there and they see other kids playing with X and Y devices/games and they also want that so it's very difficult to maintain a kid off the gaming rail

    the only thing you can do as a parent is to discipline early and to encourage them having other interests (like nature and knowledge and arts, idk)

    yeah this really sounds easier than it really is

    especially if u r not living in a suburb you cant even let your kid go outside without worrying. You can choose the kid's friends and after raising a few kids i realized that you really cant teach somethings to some kids.

    They have a character and personality even before they are born. Scientifically ofc they are but i really thought if i raised a baby from the start i could have lead it to somewhere but at some point they just try to do what they wanna do and many thngs are uncontorallable.

    Raising a kid is a f***ing veryyyyy serious and hard s*** Allah may help all the mothers and fathers

  • Dec 13, 2022
    free world

    i used to be able to play for hours

    now i just get bored or want a break lmfao

    good for you
    but sometimes i hate it even the games cant distract me from real life problems

  • Dec 13, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Simpo mode text
    Identifying as a Munch
    Sending girls you don't know very well d*** pics and videos of you nutting (with her consent of course)
    Sending girls vampire emojis as a reply when they tell you they on their period

    Ain't no gimmick You a legendary poster, no disrespect intended. But "I turned out fine" is just funny coming from you

    Wait where's the thread with the comment "sending vampire emoji" apart of? That's hilarious

  • Dec 13, 2022

    Bad parenting lol

  • Dec 13, 2022

    Parents let the iPad do the baby sitting and wonder why their kids are addicted to it.

  • Dec 13, 2022

    You got both parents working 9-5s these days and you want them to additionally figure out all plots and tricks companies use to exploit their children in products that are made for children?

    Don’t think that was his point nor is that remotely possible

  • BVL

    bro those parents must be soft!

    Ive been addicted to video games since i was 6 (23 now and still addicted)

    and i came out alright

  • RASIE 🦦
    Dec 13, 2022
    1 reply

    This has nothing to do with parents. There needs to be hard regulation and laws put into place that make microtransactions in gaming/media illegal, or at the very least formally classify it as gambling so most states have to outlaw it and the producers of these games no longer see it as profitable.

    Saying this is a problem with parenting is the same bullshit worldview as telling people they have to reduce their carbon footprint. Just passing the buck to others who dont have the power or means to actually change anything.

    Plus it makes zero sense — there are just as many grown adults spending thousands on these dopamine exploit slot machine "video games" as there are children.

  • Dec 13, 2022

    what u see on here from me is all a gimmick

    no it’s not

  • RASIE 🦦
    Dec 13, 2022

    And good for those parents suing epic games. Thats the kind of thing that needs to happen a lot more until laws are changed to stomp out predatory media. Its the only rational option.

  • Dec 13, 2022

    You got both parents working 9-5s these days and you want them to additionally figure out all plots and tricks companies use to exploit their children in products that are made for children?

    This ain’t new tho

    Latchkey kids been a thing since the 90s

  • Dec 13, 2022
    1 reply

    This has nothing to do with parents. There needs to be hard regulation and laws put into place that make microtransactions in gaming/media illegal, or at the very least formally classify it as gambling so most states have to outlaw it and the producers of these games no longer see it as profitable.

    Saying this is a problem with parenting is the same bullshit worldview as telling people they have to reduce their carbon footprint. Just passing the buck to others who dont have the power or means to actually change anything.

    Plus it makes zero sense — there are just as many grown adults spending thousands on these dopamine exploit slot machine "video games" as there are children.


    I know Korea has some form of regulation in their games. I remember playing a Korean game as a kid and they added lootboxes to the American version, but not the Korean one

    Eventually they straight up started RIGGING the lootboxes too.

  • RICH 💸
    Dec 13, 2022

    bro those parents must be soft!

    Ive been addicted to video games since i was 6 (23 now and still addicted)

    and i came out alright

    and i came out alright

  • RICH 💸
    Dec 13, 2022

    what u see on here from me is all a gimmick

  • RASIE 🦦
    Dec 13, 2022
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke


    I know Korea has some form of regulation in their games. I remember playing a Korean game as a kid and they added lootboxes to the American version, but not the Korean one

    Eventually they straight up started RIGGING the lootboxes too.

    I know one of the european countries was having serious talks last year to classify microtransactions as gambling and outlaw it. I want to say they ended up going through with it but i cant remember.

    If more countries, and especially the US, Canada, UK, Australia, etc... did the same (and didnt just take "lobbying" bribe money to shoot proposals down) then it would finally change this cultural and financial hellscape that video games have become.

  • Kengi 💭
    Dec 13, 2022
    1 reply

    I know one of the european countries was having serious talks last year to classify microtransactions as gambling and outlaw it. I want to say they ended up going through with it but i cant remember.

    If more countries, and especially the US, Canada, UK, Australia, etc... did the same (and didnt just take "lobbying" bribe money to shoot proposals down) then it would finally change this cultural and financial hellscape that video games have become.

    Would also damage Chinese gaming industry

    That offers purposfully more damaging versions to the western market while they have anti addiction regulation in their own country

  • RASIE 🦦
    Dec 13, 2022

    Would also damage Chinese gaming industry

    That offers purposfully more damaging versions to the western market while they have anti addiction regulation in their own country

    Revenge for opium wars i guess lol

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Dec 13, 2022

    Lazy parenting, I've seen so many parents that just hand their kid an ipad or a console unsupervised. All because they don't wanna deal with the little rascals and they'll spend their entire day on the s***. Then these same parents wonder why their kids are addicted to youtube or mobile games.

    It's just the internet era equivalent to parents that let their kids leave the crib whenever and stay out as long as they want with little concern.

    These parents let their child have access to their credit card to purchase microtransactions. These parents let their child stay up until 3 AM playing video games.

    Absolutely s***ty parenting, my sister has parental locks on all the devices her kids use. She can remotely turn the s*** off, this is just grade A lazy parenting.

  • Dec 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Wait where's the thread with the comment "sending vampire emoji" apart of? That's hilarious
    Its on this page (I think you need to have access to Relationship Sxn though)

  • Dec 13, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean
    Its on this page (I think you need to have access to Relationship Sxn though)

  • Dec 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Nigga said "WHAT" to her like he didn't just say that out of pocket s*** BVL a legend

  • Dec 13, 2022

    It’s on both parties imo

    Parents should be making sure their kid isn’t neglecting their other responsibilities, but these companies have been doing the most lately in terms of addictive patterns