Was just Listening to Laila! And recognized that despite the creativity and talent, some of the mixing isn’t near as good as it could be. Granted; with bedroom pop/r&b this is generally much more accepted; but in general newer or rising artists tend to have mediocre mixing/mastering just because they do it themselves or don’t hire professionals. Is this a barrier to their success? Or as long as the song is good enough (or the production serves the song even if it’s technically lacking) , it doesn’t matter?
And when it comes to populate artists, how much does it matter to you? I’ve never chose to NOT listen to an artist because of post production elements , name carries enough. But it will 100% affect how often I revisit a song , and that goes to anybody.
don’t give two s***s about mixing provided it isn’t egregiously terrible, i like lo-fi amateurish mixes
not much outside of the type of albums you want to hear on expensive headphones but having some issues (mbdtf, although you need to pay attention to notice it)
I dislike how astroworld turned out but im aware thats on purpose
99% of music I do not care
i think in this era it hardly matters as long as its audible and you can make out whats being said and the beat isnt quiet af etc
for your laila example i think for her current status in her career its understandable and u can work with it however a couple projects later and the more her career goes up she’ll have the budget and connections to really prioritize it and make it elite. think of travis from owl pharaoh to rodeo (maybe not the best example bc the albums after have very iffy mixes lol) or doja cat from her start to how professional her sound is now
As long as it makes sense for the song in question. I'm not an engineer.
I am in the "it doesn't matter" category but some of them mixing changes on Vultures 2 improved the songs from being skips to really great. For example, when River came out, Thugs vocals were so low, I had to concentrate to hear what he was saying
I love seeing the progress, young thug and chief keef had some garbage mixes on those old tapes but their more recent s*** sounds way cleaner
It only bothers me if its extreme or if it has quirk/issue that bothers me specifically like a really loud clap or sumn that stand very tall above everything else
I will say flat mixing bothers me more than average or subpar mixing tho, its just boring at that point and too samey regardless how "right" and safe it is
i would like to say i don’t really care all that much, but sometimes it does bother me when ik something is mixed either too quietly or too loudly
good songwriting/art direction can also mask s***ty mixing/mastering, especially in indie and hip hop
It only bothers me if its extreme or if it has quirk/issue that bothers me specifically like a really loud clap or sumn that stand very tall above everything else
I will say flat mixing bothers me more than average or subpar mixing tho, its just boring at that point and too samey regardless how "right" and safe it is
hit the nail right on the head tbh
Sometimes. Mixing matters a lot to how a song sounds. It doesn't have to be pristine just has to fit the song.
Means Nothing at all and i hate ppl who nitpick
Imagine hi fidelity glock40spazz. It wouldnt hit the same without cheap mics
Dijon went to the next level when he stopped giving a s*** about mic quality
Theres plenty examples where "bad" mixing actually helps a song and examples where clean mixes ruin what the artist was going for
All in all do what the song call for. I aint tryna hear a punk song with an edm style mix
I honestly dont give a f***. If it sound good it sound good.
Yes but if it doesn’t sound good it really doesn’t sound good