  • at least once a day

    prefer twice

  • Jun 7, 2021

    twice a day

  • Boyay

    Youre weird bro. I ask a simple question and you just accuse people of trolling with no evidence.

    talking about not showering most boring troll someone did this like a few days ago

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply

    bettter question to avoid the freaks and trolls

    shower at night or shower at morning?

    i’m a morning type nigga

  • Jun 7, 2021

    they itt acting like if you don’t shower twice every 12 hours you’re gonna look and smell like you went dumpster diving

    S***s so weird
    I went to school with someone like that and he said he showers after he gets out of bed cause his bed is filthy... wtf does he do in his sleep
    Probably nothing he was just a neat freak

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply
    black hedi slimane

    bettter question to avoid the freaks and trolls

    shower at night or shower at morning?

    i’m a morning type nigga

    morning for sure. night showering when it’s summer or after a late workout

  • Jun 7, 2021
    2 replies

    I always gotta shower in the morning, and before bed.

    I"ve taken showers completely drunk cause I'm simply unable to sleep well if I feel dirty

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply
    jordan at wizards

    morning for sure. night showering when it’s summer or after a late workout

    i only shower at night if i go twice

    sweaty day type vibes

    i try to avoid night showers bc my hair. not tryna go to sleep with it wet. if i’m doing it at night i gotta dry my hair for sure

  • Jonz

    I always gotta shower in the morning, and before bed.

    I"ve taken showers completely drunk cause I'm simply unable to sleep well if I feel dirty


  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply

    It's good that people shower everyday but a lot of people that do are so dramatic about it

    If I have a day off from work and I don't go outside, don't do anything besides eat, go to the toilet and rest in my pretty clean house, there is no reason for me to take a shower unless I have some weird hang up about it or I just enjoy the feeling

    When I shower the intention is to wash my body, the only s*** I'd be washing off at that point is the clean from the day before

    “I don't shower. Whenever I do, I don't use soap. Soap has chemicals that is bad for your hair and skin. Also, most of the water used in the shower runs off your body and down the drain. That is wasting water.”

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply

    imagine having access to clean water and not showering

    niggas literally would die for a reliable shower

  • black hedi slimane

    i only shower at night if i go twice

    sweaty day type vibes

    i try to avoid night showers bc my hair. not tryna go to sleep with it wet. if i’m doing it at night i gotta dry my hair for sure

    same fr. try to avoid it because if i sleep with wet hair i know it’s going to look a mess when i wake up the next day

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply
    black hedi slimane

    imagine having access to clean water and not showering

    niggas literally would die for a reliable shower

    That’s why I eat 13 times a day!!

  • Jun 7, 2021

    “I don't shower. Whenever I do, I don't use soap. Soap has chemicals that is bad for your hair and skin. Also, most of the water used in the shower runs off your body and down the drain. That is wasting water.”

    I'm not defending OP (?) tbh I don't read 90% of posts in threads and what I said still stands

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply

    That’s why I eat 13 times a day!!

    what r u trying to say right now ?

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply
    black hedi slimane

    what r u trying to say right now ?

    Gotta flex on people in poverty even harder than 2 showers a day

  • yesac

    Gotta flex on people in poverty even harder than 2 showers a day

    y’all are trying to be funny

    don’t quote me tryna make me look dumb y’all understand exactly what i’m tryna say

    i hate that corny s***

  • Op one of the most boring trolls in this section lol

  • if u gonna do that s*** say something funny or avi post me

    and take a goddamn shower u niggas stink!

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply

    I always gotta shower in the morning, and before bed.

    I"ve taken showers completely drunk cause I'm simply unable to sleep well if I feel dirty

    Lmaoooo drunk showers are something man

  • Jun 7, 2021

    Once every day or two, never less often than that. Sometimes twice a day, but rarely.

  • Jun 7, 2021

    Dude have you tried just showering once a day after the gym? That’s what everybody I know does and they usually smell fine. That can’t be good for your skin in the long run...

    it probably isn’t but i’m a little weird in that regard

  • every night

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Lmaoooo drunk showers are something man

    Me at 5:00 am standing in the shower for what feels like an hour

  • Jun 7, 2021
    1 reply

    If you not showering twice everyday and sometimes 3 times when it’s hot asf you doing it wrong.
