Assuming they would let you live with them until you’re married. Like let’s say you’re gainfully employed, make a solid living, not on any hard times. How old is too old to be living with your family assuming everything in life is fine and neither group needs the support of the other and your parents aren’t kicking them out. My friend is 30 still living with his parents and he’s saying why would i pay rent if i don’t have to when i can just keep investing my money and some people think he’s crazy. on the other hand some people just wanna get out of the house. what’s ktt’s opinion on this
your friend sounds like kind of a d*** OP not judging anybody’s situation ofc but if he’s employed there is no reason he can’t toss his parents some bread for letting him live there
your friend sounds like kind of a d*** OP not judging anybody’s situation ofc but if he’s employed there is no reason he can’t toss his parents some bread for letting him live there
yeah that's crazy, gotta at least pay half the rent, 1/3 if you have both parents
unless you're 18 or sumn
your friend sounds like kind of a d*** OP not judging anybody’s situation ofc but if he’s employed there is no reason he can’t toss his parents some bread for letting him live there
nah he’s a generous guy and helps but i’m just saying a situation for staying home could be your parents could really use your money but let’s say they were independent and you had the means to be independent just to remove what if’s
depends where you live lol
i live in ny but does that really matter unless i guess you live on a farm and your earnings kinda depend on your collective labor
Is your friends parents rich or something if he staying and not paying bills at the age of 30 lol.
That's on him if he making money and can afford to live on his own, but would rather not have the expense of paying rent. If that's not stopping him from enjoying whatever he likes to do or dating then more power to him I guess.
Nothing wrong with it long as he happy I guess and isn't some shut in dork that doesn't go outside and has no friends.
Assuming they would let you live with them until you’re married. Like let’s say you’re gainfully employed, make a solid living, not on any hard times. How old is too old to be living with your family assuming everything in life is fine and neither group needs the support of the other and your parents aren’t kicking them out. My friend is 30 still living with his parents and he’s saying why would i pay rent if i don’t have to when i can just keep investing my money and some people think he’s crazy. on the other hand some people just wanna get out of the house. what’s ktt’s opinion on this
Does he have plans on leaving to buy a house? does he date?
"lets go back to my parents house" at 30 sounds 🥴
i live in ny but does that really matter unless i guess you live on a farm and your earnings kinda depend on your collective labor
if you can afford to move out and don't it's silly imo
if rent is 2K> and you can only live with roommates I would understand not moving out
yeah that's crazy, gotta at least pay half the rent, 1/3 if you have both parents
unless you're 18 or sumn
nah you shouldn't have to pay your parents but you should be trying to move out.
Does he have plans on leaving to buy a house? does he date?
"lets go back to my parents house" at 30 sounds 🥴
i think the dude is a landlord living with his parents. but i only kind of know peoples opinion on this within my social bubble which can kinda be an echo chamber sometimes
if you can afford to move out and don't it's silly imo
if rent is 2K> and you can only live with roommates I would understand not moving out
Nah saving instead of paying rent is good but 30 is pushing it.
There's really a ton of factors that come into play here. In some cultures families basically live together their entire lives. Also with the CoL as it is it does make sense to spend longer at home than it perhaps used to. I don't think there is an cut and dry age where it becomes a problem, each case is unique.
Your friend kinda sound like a bum but who am I to judge.
All that said, one of my brothers is in his mid/late 30s and still with my parents. He lived on his own for basically his entire 20s. He moved back to America with his wife and naturally used my parents house as a landing pad. But then he just stayed and stayed and stayed and I think that is a primary factor in his wife divorcing his bumass. They had the money to move out he was just scared. Sad s*** tbh.
My oldest brother moved back in with my parents in mid 2020 iirc because NYC covid era was just too much for him and his wife. But they stayed maybe 3-4mos before getting their own spot an hour north and then moving back to the east coast. That's more sensible.
if you can afford to move out and don't it's silly imo
if rent is 2K> and you can only live with roommates I would understand not moving out
anything less than 2k for a 1 bedroom where i live lands you in a not nice part of town hah in new jersey you can get by with less than that and be in a cool part but you’re in jersey
i think the dude is a landlord living with his parents. but i only kind of know peoples opinion on this within my social bubble which can kinda be an echo chamber sometimes
I think he just needs to have a goal of leaving not just staying forever.
I'm not sure there's a clear cut-off for being too old
However if you're earning above a certain amount you def should help out with bills and such
If hes not actively looking for a spot then lowkey duded a bum
Im not against staying with your parents, im doing that currently, but if you have nothing holding you back then why?
It's not the age but more so the wealth I'd look at in this situation.
Your friend actively avoids moving out so he can invest the money he earns. Money he could easily be using for rent & more. And if bro is 30 & didn't f*** up, he will have been doing this for a minute. Long enough that he can live comfortably on his own.