It’s a factor of different things. If your parents are comfortable with it there’s no real clear age.
But I will say it’s usually not a money thing. I have a few close friends(early 20s) making 150k plus still at home with no intention of moving out soon, and others barely making 40k but moved out right after college graduation.
Honestly,as long as you pay your own way,have car and don't bother your parents financially,its straight to live with your parents imo. But if their taking care of you past 21,its a lil bummy,past 25,its real bummy.
Cause yes,town houses,apartments etc. are f***ing expensive,alot of people have to move out.
your friend sounds like kind of a d*** OP not judging anybody’s situation ofc but if he’s employed there is no reason he can’t toss his parents some bread for letting him live there
Making your kids pay rent is white america's favorite passtime smh
Honestly,as long as you pay your own way,have car and don't bother your parents financially,its straight to live with your parents imo. But if their taking care of you past 21,its a lil bummy,past 25,its real bummy.
Cause yes,town houses,apartments etc. are f***ing expensive,alot of people have to move out.
yeah im with you. everyone has their own path and as long as you’re not a freeloader you’re straight
Tbh I feel like I'm too old to live at home (25)
BUT at the same time, my mom's is disabled/doesn't work so it's also not a bad thing, it just feels kinda off to me idk
Tbh I feel like I'm too old to live at home (25)
BUT at the same time, my mom's is disabled/doesn't work so it's also not a bad thing, it just feels kinda off to me idk
In almost the exact same situation. My mom is bipolar, doesn't work and doesn't drive. Had the opportunity to move out but I was unemployed (still am) and didn't want to place that extra financial burden on my dad
If you’re helping your parents then you are never too old to live with them.
If they make good money and take good care of themselves you should make an effort to live on your own tbh. Especially after 25. Everybody situation is different tho.
i think the dude is a landlord living with his parents. but i only kind of know peoples opinion on this within my social bubble which can kinda be an echo chamber sometimes
yo f*** your friend and I wish him the worst
yeah im with you. everyone has their own path and as long as you’re not a freeloader you’re straight
Yea,people need to stop letting social media make them move to fast. Its all about accumulating money the best way you can,make moves when it makes sense,but you still have to make your own way as an adult.
yo f*** your friend and I wish him the worst
man he got it out the mud seriously. never screwed anybody over or robbed them. he was down bad at one point and pulled himself out and doesn’t take his situation for granted
I'm turning 27 and recently had to move back in. Gone in and out, the economy is terrible for living on your own right now.
i understand you might be going thru something, but if u don't have your life put together before 30 (as far as having a crib of your own, or apartment) u just might be a lost cause
Never just say I don’t live with my mama my mama stay with me
honestly as someone who lives with their parents when i say this on dates i say i’m waiting till i build out a certain financial base but i have a plan on when im gonna move out and unless all they care about is money they don’t mind and appreciate that i have a plan. its nothing to be ashamed of in my experience
I'm ngl I still wish I lived with them. I miss them a lot
the day my big bro moved out we all cried i still miss him even tho i see him like twice a week
If I was rich, I would buy a big house and invite my parents to live with me, since they had me at an older age, and I want as much time as possible with them
Who cares
I respect ppl who stay to take care of their fam. If u just bumming it tho you gotta get some shut going for yourself