  • Apr 28, 2020

    It isn't at all Rocky a pseud

  • Apr 28, 2020

    People will call anything that's even remotely outside the box "psychedelic"

  • Apr 28, 2020

    His music is def psychedelic. In fact he doesn’t have a project that isn’t psych influenced. From the lyrics, to the production, to the visuals

    But I get it’s more fun to say ha ha ha rocky fake deep

  • Apr 28, 2020
    1 reply

    I’ve heard these songs before and literally just do not hear it but maybe I’m just missing something

    what psych albums do you like

  • Apr 28, 2020

    i would describe kids turned out fine as psychedelic

  • Apr 28, 2020

    plus cloud rap is def psychedelic so id say his first tape qualifies

  • Apr 28, 2020

    People who do d**** like it = psychedelic

  • Apr 28, 2020

    I won't even lie, I thought that debut mixtape was a classic, fw the debut album when I was younger, but since then I haven't heard a single thing from him apart from his song on GTA and a few songs on Testing when I tried to give it a listen.

    This dude went from being on my radar to being forgettable so fast and it's sad.

    That SGP influence was really his bread and butter.

  • Apr 28, 2020

    "psychedelic" is a cornball way to describe music anyway

  • Apr 28, 2020
    2 replies

    what psych albums do you like

    I don’t really listen to psychedelic music. Maybe I just don’t know what it is lol

  • Apr 28, 2020

    I’ve always considered it the sound, imagery and overall atmosphere of the song. Like I said I’m not trying to hate on rocky I’m just saying in my opinion I don’t f***in see it

    what about the sound imagery and overall atmosphere is psychedelic

  • Apr 28, 2020

    I half agree OP

    cuz it's about half of his songs that have actual psychedelic influence and the other half are just regular modern prod that coast on the aesthetic of the psychedelic half

  • Apr 28, 2020

    CallDrops is so terrible but Gotdamn that sample is amazing.

  • Apr 28, 2020

    now that they wrong they just calling all psychedelic music corny lol

  • Apr 28, 2020

    OP never done anything creative in his life

  • Apr 28, 2020
    1 reply

    OP you got me f***ed up. Listen to these tracks and your gonna notice psychedelic s*** all over.

    Kids Turned Out Fine - Mesmerizing guitar melody and slowed / stretched out singing melodies where words seem to blend together

    L$D - Slowed / stretched out singing melodies where words blend together, high pitched and smoothed key melody in the beat, vocal distortion

    Sundress - It’s a f***ing remix of a tame impala track from inner speaker how is this not psychedelic, mesmerizing guitar melody and slowed and stretched singing

    Dreams (interlude) - slowed beat with consistent key melody, words bleed into each other, slowed singing melodies, this more a dark psychedelic track

    If you still don’t get it go cop some tabs or somethin and learn what psychedelic means

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Apr 28, 2020
    hey man relax

    there is obvious influence in the sound of some of his songs

  • Vlonely 🦍
    Apr 28, 2020

    i swear some of y’all don’t actually listen to the music you talk about lol

  • Apr 28, 2020

    Psychedelic as far as hip-hop goes, obviously. Of course you’re not gonna have rappers making songs like Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, or other actual psychedelic bands from the 60’s-70’s. So if those are your parameters for what constitutes psychedelic music, you will rarely, if ever, find it in rap.

    Artists like Rocky, Flatbush Zombies, Lil Ugly Mane, Ethereal, and Icytwat all feature tangible elements in their music that make you feel a little high just listening to it, whether it’s some wavy synths/pads, samples, drums, or d***ged out vocals (and I’m not just talking about their lyrics). I’m sure I’m leaving out some other rappers but that’s just off top.

  • Apr 28, 2020

    westside highway

    better things

    dreams interlude

    lsd/excuse me

    brotha man

    kids turned out fine



    literally lol

  • Apr 28, 2020

    I don’t really listen to psychedelic music. Maybe I just don’t know what it is lol

    next time you trip listen to some classic psych rock bands

    listen to lonerism all the way through when you're tripping it'll change your appreciation for music

    but for example if you listen to distorted records at 1:45 the glitches, effects and the way the song ends, s*** like that completely f***s your mind when tripping

    or the way kids turned out fine slows down and pitches down then picks back up

  • Apr 28, 2020
    1 reply

    OP you got me f***ed up. Listen to these tracks and your gonna notice psychedelic s*** all over.

    Kids Turned Out Fine - Mesmerizing guitar melody and slowed / stretched out singing melodies where words seem to blend together

    L$D - Slowed / stretched out singing melodies where words blend together, high pitched and smoothed key melody in the beat, vocal distortion

    Sundress - It’s a f***ing remix of a tame impala track from inner speaker how is this not psychedelic, mesmerizing guitar melody and slowed and stretched singing

    Dreams (interlude) - slowed beat with consistent key melody, words bleed into each other, slowed singing melodies, this more a dark psychedelic track

    If you still don’t get it go cop some tabs or somethin and learn what psychedelic means

    peep the sample flip on better things

  • Apr 28, 2020

    never in my life did i think i would be defending this guy

  • Apr 28, 2020

    peep the sample flip on better things

    Better Things another great example. Jukebox joints and west side highway work too. Alla top2 albums for me ever