Assume that people who are supposed to be your loved ones aren't trying to actually hurt u
Assume that people who are supposed to be your loved ones aren't trying to actually hurt u
Yeah man people are very insensitive but the intention is never to hurt you. Now if a person is constantly putting you down through humor, you just have to dub that person. Never be weaker tho, just look the other way.
I struggle with this too. When I'm upset about something someone said, I try to remember that I'm not in control of what other people say. People always gonna talk, anyone can say whatever s*** they want about me and I can't change that I'm only in control of my reaction to it. I can let something I can't do anything about upset me or just keep doing me
Ima do my own thing, shout out @MilesMorales
The answer is self control, learn to be mindful and aware whenever you are experiencing your emotions flaring up to take a second, step back and give the situation some grace and understand it’s not something to really get too bent over about.
Used to fly off the handle a lot and I’ve calmed down a lot more over the years, but personally it still takes effort every day to be emotionally vigilant and mindful and focusing on calming down those emotions before they erupt and you react out of character.
put ur trust in god which makes all things possible
God willed us to being on the world stage. Each and every one of us a has a role to play, everything that unravels is of Gods doing, we are noting without Him. I’d like to remind all the skeptics that God doesn’t need us, He doesn’t care about the disbelievers the ones who are on his side are the ones who reap his benefits the one who have their hearts open to him are the ones he truly looks after bc those are the most vulnerable and the highest targets on the list of Satans army. God bless and keep y’all strong in these trying times
practice bro. when patterns of behavior have been reinforced for a lifetime it takes sustained effort over a serious length of time to begin to see change. life is so much a practice
by understanding things ahead of time instead of realizing them when its too late
Yeah I found this in the dictionary next to “ things easier said than done “ bud
Yeah I found this in the dictionary next to “ things easier said than done “ bud
all struggles are easier explained than solved
the rest is on OP
your ego feels attacked too much, realize other peoples insecurities will always be projected onto you
Idk man, i work customer service and im tired of getting s***ted on for no reason. Find an outlet, im dying to get into boxing or a fighting sport
For me, I've learned first I had ADHD
And 2nd anger is a thought and when u been through so much in life, u realize that most of da hate or whatever they spew is nonsense and not worthy of anything
I saw death and what walking on thin ice really is
When u save someone's life, it's all about emotional and mental control
Someone's life is in your hands and again u realize the worth of life
And when a peasant walks up to u cause they don't like u for a minor reason
You'll now look at em like;
So ur really stressing about me and this minor thing?
I've had bigger s*** to fry than some kid that trynna cause a reaction
I mean last yr I also got chased by 6 racists, they even broke in my home trynna choke me
What did witnesses say?
U remained so calm throughout and in control
And that's the thing;
Remain boss over your thoughts is remaining boss over your actions 🙏🏽
It's kinda like seeing some of these gangsters talk about a 'gun being found " or someone wanting to beat em up etc
They talk above it with a smile, no worries
As they have prolly been exposed to more than that
It sounds silly, but once u see or go through the worst, u realize how strong u can actually be
this book was one of the best and most brutal books i ever read. For OP something that helps is that you got to realize people opinions are purely a reflection of them and not yourself.
Is this that iceberg lettuce pimp book ?
For me, I've learned first I had ADHD
And 2nd anger is a thought and when u been through so much in life, u realize that most of da hate or whatever they spew is nonsense and not worthy of anything
I saw death and what walking on thin ice really is
When u save someone's life, it's all about emotional and mental control
Someone's life is in your hands and again u realize the worth of life
And when a peasant walks up to u cause they don't like u for a minor reason
You'll now look at em like;
So ur really stressing about me and this minor thing?
I've had bigger s*** to fry than some kid that trynna cause a reaction
I mean last yr I also got chased by 6 racists, they even broke in my home trynna choke me
What did witnesses say?
U remained so calm throughout and in control
And that's the thing;
Remain boss over your thoughts is remaining boss over your actions 🙏🏽
I mean last yr I also got chased by 6 racists, they even broke in my home trynna choke me
Holy s***