Taking HNVM over Her Loss because I can imagine a specific vibe where it would really excel. It has its moments. Massive is great. Drake totally botched the vocals on HNVM though and the production feels undercooked sometimes as well.
Agreed with those who said it needed a little more time in the oven. Heard some say it was Passionfruit the album but there is no song as polished and well written as that one on HNVM.
Only gripe is the lack of trying different things vocally ala layering/stacking & etc
But fun ass album
Both needed a couple more months in the oven imo.
If I view them as unfinished incomplete demos, I appreciate it more
JIK maybe but tbh songs on Honestly Nevermind like Flights Booked, A Keeper, texts go Green, Sticky, OVerdrive, Massive, Liability all sound finished and great imo
only song that sounds unfinished is Falling back and Currents
Damn this s*** had Texts go Green, Liability, Sticky, Jimmy Cooks, Overdrive whew
This is climbing up his discography
Why would I keep you around
Why would I keep you around
Why would I keep you around
Why would I keep
Dawg that Massive, Flights Booked, Overdrive run is what made me give this a real chance. The Liability is f***in perfect. The album is such a vibe and I’m glad he took the chance to make it
great album but i rarely find myself in the mood for anything other than a couple tracks at a time
her loss better
my personal favorite drake album
Given it recieved such strong reception initially, I saw somewhat of a turn in many opinions. But with Her Loss coming out being a much better recieved album I think it took a lot of light off of Honestly Nevermind.
So has anything changed for you on the album? I'll admit I've been spinning Her Loss so much since it dropped it almost overshadowed this album, which for me was AOTY when it dropped. But giving Her Loss room to breath and going back to this album this s*** is still one of his best efforts and I believe still a strong AOTY contender.
I Really enjoy it
at first i wasn't really too big on it but I appreciated Drake stepping out of the box
over time its grown on me a lot though, never thought we would get an album of simping Drake again that felt so real. the initial reception really Suffered from a bad choice of lead single
most of it is decent to good, but the lyrics / songwriting outside of Sticky, Downhill, Jimmy Cooks, & Flight's booked are truly a level below what I as a fan know Drake is capable of. Its a good omen for future Drake releases if you ask me
(its a good album)