  • Buchan

    More infamous than nixon

  • He’ll be looked at as the worst president in history until someone worse comes along

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    young liberals of the 2040s will love him

  • Jan 11, 2021

    people will flip on him like theyre doing with bush

    I don't see that happening. The people rehabilitating Bush are obsessed with personalities/appearances, and like him because he was "presidential", and not brash and offensive like Trump. The slaughter in the Middle East and loss of our liberties doesn't matter to them.

    The sad thing is, had Trump stayed off of twitter and acted more like a politician, he could have gotten away with everything he did (and then some some), and been seen as the nice businessman grandpa in a decade or so.

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    He definitely would’ve won re-election had he not completely f***ed up with the pandemic and acted the way he did towards BLM.

    The last 9 months are what made some moderate conservatives say “enough” and compromise with a moderate liberal just to get him out of office.

  • Jan 11, 2021

    controversial, i know, but some might say he was the president of the united states for 4 years

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply
    The Young Blizzard

    The crazy thing was if he just didn’t constantly downplay the virus/hold off aid to states he would have won re election

    that's how they'll rewrite history

    "Biden didn't win by a landslide the only thing that made trump lose was how he handled covid and quite frankly compared to x, y and z he did relatively ok, he tried: remember when he wanted to enact travel bans but the DemocRATS blocked him.. Yadayadayadayada"

    I'm not putting it past them to be wilful dumbasses and rewrite history to accept trump again... I mean George Bush Jr is buddy buddy with Michelle Obama and Ellen despite sending out the US military to terrorize a whole region for oil...

  • Jan 11, 2021

    the fact he got 74,223,744 votes (more than in 2016) honestly scares me.

    his entire presidential run really exposed America

  • Jan 11, 2021

    the fact he got 74,223,744 votes (more than in 2016) honestly scares me.

    his entire presidential run really exposed America

    Shows how incompetent Biden is more than anything lmao

  • Jan 11, 2021

    A full on movie coming out in 2022-2023...let's be real lol.

    yeah someone's rushing it out

    there's already a bipic/mini about the Comey firing and Russia investigation and it was out before he even served a full term

    hopefully the right person/studio waits but who knows

  • Jan 11, 2021


  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    Trump IS America, he represents the status quo, the dominion of the white portion of the American hierarchy, most of whom feel threatened by the encroachment of non-whites.

    It’s why Whites favor Republicans, they guarantee their sovereignty.

    Most Republicans actually don’t vote against their self-interests, because their main self-interest is the long term preservation of the white race as the dominant force in America.

    Everything else, health-care, improved social safety nets, higher minimum wage, improved infrastructure etc. to them is just short term, thus not seen as valuable.

    That’s why the year 2042 essentially represents the December 21st, 2012 for White America.

    What's happening in 2042 for white America?

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    What's happening in 2042 for white America?

    Presuming that's when the white majority becomes the minority population, number-wise

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    He definitely would’ve won re-election had he not completely f***ed up with the pandemic and acted the way he did towards BLM.

    The last 9 months are what made some moderate conservatives say “enough” and compromise with a moderate liberal just to get him out of office.

    Black people were genuinely tired of the Democrats if Trump was smart he would have made moves to bring black people to his side from 2016 onwards.

    He tried to at the last minute but everyone saw through it.

  • Jan 11, 2021

    young liberals of the 2040s will love him

    I'm grateful for him today because he left the Republican Party in shambles.

  • Jan 11, 2021

    Presuming that's when the white majority becomes the minority population, number-wise

    Ah ! Felt like it was about that mayocide bs
    What about white latinos? I believe with them, white will still be the majority

  • DonutHole

    that's how they'll rewrite history

    "Biden didn't win by a landslide the only thing that made trump lose was how he handled covid and quite frankly compared to x, y and z he did relatively ok, he tried: remember when he wanted to enact travel bans but the DemocRATS blocked him.. Yadayadayadayada"

    I'm not putting it past them to be wilful dumbasses and rewrite history to accept trump again... I mean George Bush Jr is buddy buddy with Michelle Obama and Ellen despite sending out the US military to terrorize a whole region for oil...

    Well I mean the consensus from when Obama took office were people were optimistic, and with the endless wars that Bush got us into people wanted to heal, and unify

    Difference now is Trump is deliberately sabotaging America as much as possible and dems are not looking for unity, we want justice

  • Jan 11, 2021
    2 replies

    Black people were genuinely tired of the Democrats if Trump was smart he would have made moves to bring black people to his side from 2016 onwards.

    He tried to at the last minute but everyone saw through it.

    Let’s be honest if the republicans could they’d bring back jim crow laws nationwide, democrats are for the survival of the African American population

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply
    The Young Blizzard

    Let’s be honest if the republicans could they’d bring back jim crow laws nationwide, democrats are for the survival of the African American population


    theres no way you actually believe this

  • math fifty


    theres no way you actually believe this

    Yes they would if America was a 1 party state they’d revoke the civil rights act

  • Jan 11, 2021
    The Young Blizzard

    Let’s be honest if the republicans could they’d bring back jim crow laws nationwide, democrats are for the survival of the African American population

    wow this is naive af. democrats only care because if they don't get 85-90% of the black vote they lose elections. Otherwise they're just the same but with different methods. Fox, wolf and sheep a***ogy by Malcolm X sums it up well. i'd look into that

    very dangerous thinking dems or liberals are for your survival and friends to you esp if you're black. You're falling for a trap

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Him not going to the inauguration will be the final nail in his coffin as president. He will look like a bitter child still throwing a tantrum.

    I’m curious to see what he’ll do after his presidency. He’s not going to waste the following he has.

    He smart for not going. After everything he’s done. Feel like soon as he formally handed over power, they’d be waiting to arrest him.

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    the fact he got 74,223,744 votes (more than in 2016) honestly scares me.

    his entire presidential run really exposed America

    White Media will unfortunately still parrot things like “this is not us”. “We finally woke up from a 4 year nightmare”

  • Jan 11, 2021
    Mr Motion

    White Media will unfortunately still parrot things like “this is not us”. “We finally woke up from a 4 year nightmare”

    Maybe, but I don't think people are going to let this down.

  • Jan 11, 2021

    Depends who's telling the story. Biden didn't exactly win by a big margin, when considering the popular vote. Nervous to think of the consequences that a bad term will have