  • Jan 13, 2021

    Trump IS America, he represents the status quo, the dominion of the white portion of the American hierarchy, most of whom feel threatened by the encroachment of non-whites.

    It’s why Whites favor Republicans, they guarantee their sovereignty.

    Most Republicans actually don’t vote against their self-interests, because their main self-interest is the long term preservation of the white race as the dominant force in America.

    Everything else, health-care, improved social safety nets, higher minimum wage, improved infrastructure etc. to them is just short term, thus not seen as valuable.

    That’s why the year 2042 essentially represents the December 21st, 2012 for White America.

    Very well put, explains the mentality of "republicans/conservatives" perfectly

  • America wont be able to whitewash Trump (as much) if the demographics will continue to change

  • Jan 13, 2021
    1 reply
    The Young Blizzard

    Like, America is very good at whitewashing/revisionist history, but everything Trump does is so unprecedented that like there’s no way they can change him to be positive

    Probably give him another reality show as a hologram, he will never stop talking, someone is going to get a multimillion dollar deal of trump a.i. After this country has fallen to religious & corporate fascists. 😒

  • AudioConsulting

    Probably give him another reality show as a hologram, he will never stop talking, someone is going to get a multimillion dollar deal of trump a.i. After this country has fallen to religious & corporate fascists. 😒

    I mean he got deplatformed though corporate America hates trump

  • Jan 13, 2021

    I think it’s going to be viewed in a negative light in a consensus

  • Jan 13, 2021

    Depends a lot on Biden tbh.

    If the social unrest continues on even a similar level than probably he won’t be viewed as bad as people think.

    If it’s more sunshine and daises then he’ll be looked at poorly.

    His style of personality so to speak won’t leave the office with him however. Many politicians are more bombastic now so I don’t know honestly.