Confirmed casualties are around 300 now, it's expected to rise a lot more, on the ground some are saying 700-1500.
Perpetrators are the Oromo Liberation Army, that has been fighting against the Ethiopian government alongside the TPLF in the civil war that's been going on in Ethiopia since november 2020 when the TPLF launched an attack on the federal governments military bases.
Heart sank reading this..
Wasn't following as much these last few moves and naively kind of hoped things had cooled down
American support for these genocidal maniacs isn't surprising but it doesn't make it any less infuriating
F*** these demons
Heart sank reading this..
Wasn't following as much these last few moves and naively kind of hoped things had cooled down
There hasn't been as much fighting and TPLF isn't gonna make any progress military any time soon, but it's still pretty bad
What an extremely ignorant post lmao. Ethiopia is an Amhara empire even though Abiy is Oromo and came up with the help of the Oromo people and was a member of an Oromo party lol?
“Where I am found living 99% is Muslim therefore no one other than Muslim will erect up stand out because we hit cut his neck by machete" - Jawar Mohammed. That's the guy they're welcoming home, is it commendable to support people with such a genocidal ideology?
Jawar Mohammed, the Qeerroos and the OLA are not representative of Oromos, I'm part Oromo myself, most Oromos don't. It split from the OLF, it's not even universally supported by Oromo nationalists. It's an extremist group that split from the OLF because they were too extremist.
You don't know Ethiopian history and the history of ethnic mixing, my father is part Oromo, part Amhara. You're saying everybody who isn't Amhara doesn't want to remain in Ethiopia (plain falsehood), but besides that, regions are mixed with different ethnicities, even people themselves are mixed with different ethnicities, Abiy himself is, so what happens there? Those who do not conform to their ethnonationalist ideology are massacred.
You're framing this like them "taking back their land", it's not. The imperialist Oromo kingdom of Jimma took the land over themselves before the regions became part of the Ethiopian empire, it was done by invasion, they themselves drove out the Kaffa people. The Kaffa had an imperialist kingdom of their own that drove out other peoples like the Weylata, so where does it end? Why are you not supporting Kaffa sovereignty? S*** why aren't you pleading for the independence of the regions in Germany against German imperialism?
A lot of s*** has been manufactured, but there was real oppression in the past of Oromos, just as there was oppression of Tigrayans. Just like that doesn't justify what the ethnonationalist TPLF is doing, it doesn't justify what the ethnonationalist OLA is doing, and what the OLA is doing doesn't justify what actual the Amhara ethnonationalists FANO does.
The future of Ethiopia and the people living in it should be one that doesn't discriminate based on ethnicity like the TPLF wants.
And the Ogaden war is just another case of the US dividing geopolitical enemies. Ethiopia, Somalia and South Yemen was supposed to become a federal state. Your hero Siad Barre was even a proponent of this until he drifted out of the Soviet orbit and into the US-Saudi-Egyptian orbit that has an interest in keeping the region destabilized. You should read about the meetings those leaders had with when Siad Barre became an American cuck, he wasn't open to any negotiation and saw military action as the only option. If you oppose the Russian invasion, you have no ground to stand on in supporting the Somali one.
Unless you're just a plain blood and soil fascist there is no legitimate claim to land based on ethnicity, I'm no landback ass mf when it comes to the US either so idk why you're trying to play that card, there is only a legitimate claim to end economic exploitation and deprivation and cultural suppression, and that's the road Ethiopia should take, not fight about historical claims on pieces of land that have been conquered by several kingdoms throughout history in the first place. Nobody is innocent here and nobody will be a winner either by going down that path.
I'll say one more thing on this:
"Is it that african/black imperialism is good?"
No, but there is power in numbers, that's why China is a global power, they're not that rich on a per capita basis and wouldn't have seen the same development if it was divided. I'm against one ethnicity exploiting and dominating another, but I'm for African countries unifying, and Siad Barre turning into an American cuck and choosing ethnic violence between Africans over unity against Western imperialism is how he made the bed that his people now have to lay in. It says a lot bout your own unexplored ethnonationalism that you speak so fondly of that invasion.
Also crine at prolly 2 libs mad bc i s***ted on them in some other argument liking posts praising genocidal ethnonationalism
First what are you talking about when you say we should have become a federal state? That was never the position of any somali ever, the somali state is a descendant of the Dervish state in the erly 20th century, the same state who constantly battled against and killed british, italian and ETHIOPIAN colonizers. The star in the 🇸🇴 flag represents the five groups from Djibouti, Hargeysa, Mogadishu, Jijiga (!!!) and NFD who all seeked freedom and union under the somali state. The ultimate goal of Somalia has always been to bring liberation to our brothers, this is what Siyaad attempted to do and this is what we'll try again hopefully with Washington's help
Love when people act like being unaware of something means it never was a thing lol. Siad Barre proposed this to Mengistu, later he retracted it because he became an American cuck because he was salty about the Soviets getting closer with Ethiopia, because as Fidel said, Siad Barre was just above all a chauvinist educated by European colonizers. The US saw him as a useful tool in dividing Africa, and you seem to be okay with being one too spreading that bussy for Americans Starting to think your ethnobrained ass only opposes the TPLF because they were US tools who also invaded Somalia, you just looking in the mirror tho lil bro
"Ethnic mixing" in Oromia happened through decades of mass rape, illegal settling and forced amharization. It's why the regions that weren't amharized are the biggest secessionists, they all remember what "ethnic mixing" really means.
Lmao that's not at all true, I know plenty of people who are part Oromo part Amhara (including myself lol?) and there was no rape involved at all. Land being conquered? Sure, but the Oromos did that themselves too. Again, why are you not out here yelling free the Kaffa lol?
And why are you bringing extremists to discredit their movement? You're acting exactly like american imperialists who scream "TeRroRiSts!!!" to excuse their f***ed up acts, you're no different than them at all. OLA is representative of the colonized people of Oromia who deserve their own land and reparations from amharas.
Because the extremists are the ones who committed this massacre maybe? The OLA is not representative of the Oromo people, why are you trying to play this angle as if you're not speaking to somebody who is literally Oromo himself lmfaooo. You realize the OLF also exists right? You realize the OLA split from them right? Why are you choosing the most extremist group as the so called representatives of my own people?
Imagine if the british said the future of Imperial Britain is an united empire ThT DoEsNt DiScRiMiNaTe BaSeD On EtHNicItIEs. Also we all know that's false; amharas, tigrayans and recently amharized oromos have always discriminated and subjugated everybody else in the country. Tigrayans are down, only two left to go now.
Imperial Britain was never comparable lol, not just geographically but also politically and economically. There was never an Indian president ruling over Britain who came to power thanks to a movement lead by a movement of Indians rebelling against the Brits like you got an Oromo president in Ethiopia now who came to power because many ethnicities including Oromos rose up against the previous government.
The British exploited Africans, you think British just came there because they liked Africans so much lol?
As long as there is no material exploitation or cultural suppression I couldn't for the life of me think of a reason why you would oppose African unity. Comparing exploitative colonialism to African unity is just ethnonationalist propaganda.
Have there been African countries oppressing minority ethnicities? Of course, does that mean that every country that has had minorities that were oppressed at some point in history (and yes Ethiopia is one of those as well) needs to be carved up along ethnic lines? Then you're practically in support of starting WW3 lol.
Does this have to do with ethnicity?
Unfortunately everything in Ethiopia does after Meles
Somalia only became allied to the americans post 1978, never before. Our biggest allies back then were Egypt, Pakistan and the USSR.
The USSR supported both Somalis and Ethiopia, the US been getting closer to Somalia before that and had courted them way before and people in Siad Barre's government who preferred the US were gaining more power before that. The relations started before the military support.
Also I prefer americans or generally europeans to amharas and amharized cucks like you, sure.
"Amharized" do Siad Barre stans actually talk this to eachother about Ethiopians irl?
Sad day for you but the majority of us, including Oromos, don't think about ourselves as our tribe being the primary, the TPLF and their ethnonationalist allies not gon win no matter how bad you want that to happen
Also TPLF didn't invade Somalia, Ethiopia did. You were all in with them.
Again you can't think of people as not being drones following whatever their ethnicity is supposed to think, it's so bad that you think I support every action every Ethiopian government throughout history has taken. Projecting your own ethnobrained mindset onto others
That's because you're an amharized cuck lmao. The people who were done the most wrong by the aamharas were always the omoros, mass rape was rampant and widely accepted.
This narrative is hilarious lol, I guess that TPLF historical revisionism really did a number on mfs
Also the reason I'm not yelling for the Kaffa is because they simply have no way out. Same reason why it's pointless to call for independence for the indogenous people in the US or Canada. I do support the ethnic groups who still can though like the afars/oromos/hararis/etc.
Why do you think those regions want to secede? There's not even Harari or Afar secessionist movements in the first place let alone one with support of the majority lol
In the Harar region the Harari aren't even the majority, the Oromos are, so what now, free the Harari from the Oromo invaders and give it black to the Hararis because they have a legitimate claim to the land against the Oromos going back to the 17th century or something?
What you're proposing is just endless war basically lol
"ethipians are a bunch of western dogs"
"hopefully americans will support is in invading ethiopia next time"
The duality of ethnonationalists is truly fascinating
Also this guy trying to speak for Oromos, to somebody who is Oromo, claiming that a separatist terrorist group is representative for us as a whole is hilarious
Like 3% of Oromos supports the OLA probably at most.
This is an ongoing genocide and is mostly done passively with lots of people getting sick and having no medicine to treat it. More people are dying here than Ukraine as well
Reports saying it's 1500
We'll probably not find out how many it exactly was for a while, if ever
There's also collaboration with Eritrea
Eyewitnesses saying most victims were women and children, and this mf celebrating it as an act of liberation on behalf of my own people ffs
Wish i could see who the cacs who liked that post were, f***ing weirdos
The Tigrayans have been slaughtered by Eritrean, Ethiopian, and Amhara forces. Most of it is passive thought to my understanding. A thorough ethnic cleansing through austerity
Somalia only became allied to the americans post 1978, never before. Our biggest allies back then were Egypt, Pakistan and the USSR.
The USSR supported both Somalis and Ethiopia, the US been getting closer to Somalia before that and had courted them way before and people in Siad Barre's government who preferred the US were gaining more power before that. The relations started before the military support.
Also I prefer americans or generally europeans to amharas and amharized cucks like you, sure.
"Amharized" do Siad Barre stans actually talk this to eachother about Ethiopians irl?
Sad day for you but the majority of us, including Oromos, don't think about ourselves as our tribe being the primary, the TPLF and their ethnonationalist allies not gon win no matter how bad you want that to happen
Also TPLF didn't invade Somalia, Ethiopia did. You were all in with them.
Again you can't think of people as not being drones following whatever their ethnicity is supposed to think, it's so bad that you think I support every action every Ethiopian government throughout history has taken. Projecting your own ethnobrained mindset onto others
That's because you're an amharized cuck lmao. The people who were done the most wrong by the aamharas were always the omoros, mass rape was rampant and widely accepted.
This narrative is hilarious lol, I guess that TPLF historical revisionism really did a number on mfs
Also the reason I'm not yelling for the Kaffa is because they simply have no way out. Same reason why it's pointless to call for independence for the indogenous people in the US or Canada. I do support the ethnic groups who still can though like the afars/oromos/hararis/etc.
Why do you think those regions want to secede? There's not even Harari or Afar secessionist movements in the first place let alone one with support of the majority lol
In the Harar region the Harari aren't even the majority, the Oromos are, so what now, free the Harari from the Oromo invaders and give it black to the Hararis because they have a legitimate claim to the land against the Oromos going back to the 17th century or something?
What you're proposing is just endless war basically lol
The USSR supported both Somalis and Ethiopia, the US been getting closer to Somalia before that and had courted them way before and people in Siad Barre's government who preferred the US were gaining more power before that. The relations started before the military support.
Lmao you really have no knowledge of what was going on in Mogadishu back then. We always had an ok relationship with the US but we were never allied before the war, we only became allied with the US because we had no other choice after the USSR backstabbed us.
"Amharized" do Siad Barre stans actually talk this to eachother about Ethiopians irl? Sad day for you but the majority of us, including Oromos, don't think about ourselves as our tribe being the primary, the TPLF and their ethnonationalist allies not gon win no matter how bad you want that to happen
Lmao look at your country, you think you guys don't think in terms of ethnic groups? What's up with FANO then? Or the TPLF? You think the OLA just came to power like that and started doing stuff like in OP without support of other oromos in the region?
Dude you're an amharized cuck from Addis or who has never lived long term in Ethiopia. The only place where this fake kumbaya "oh we're all together!!" bullshit facade goes up is in Addis and the nearby regions. Go anywhere else in the country and you'll see what the real Ethiopia is like.
And we are winning bud, tigrayans were one of the biggest supporters of Ethiopia initially and look at what's happening to them. Look at how it's spreading too, guarantee you're back at war by the end of 2023. This conflict is gonna stick years if not decades like what happened with Eritrea.
Again you can't think of people as not being drones following whatever their ethnicity is supposed to think, it's so bad that you think I support every action every Ethiopian government throughout history has taken. Projecting your own ethnobrained mindset onto others
Lmao your current president was one of the upper echelon members of the army during the invasion, ethiopians broadly supported the war back then. You're just trying to wash yourself off from the blame.
Why do you think those regions want to secede? There's not even Harari or Afar secessionist movements in the first place let alone one with support of the majority lol
In the Harar region the Harari aren't even the majority, the Oromos are, so what now, free the Harari from the Oromo invaders and give it black to the Hararis because they have a legitimate claim to the land against the Oromos going back to the 17th century or something?
Have you ever asked yourself why the hararis are not a majority in their own region? What do you think happened after 1978? You think they just accepted all these oromos in Harar or something?
They were genocided you rétard, mass killing and rapes beyond comprehension until there were almost no hararis left. There's only about 50k hararis alive now, f***ing disgusting.
There's also no afar secessionist movement because they understand they're gonna get genocided if they try. Go to the afar region and talk to any of them, they're even bigger secessionists than us. My girlfriend is afar, I grew up with these people and lived with them, believe me I know them better than you.
Eyewitnesses saying most victims were women and children, and this mf celebrating it as an act of liberation on behalf of my own people ffs
Wish i could see who the cacs who liked that post were, f***ing weirdos
Killing random innocents is awful but it does not make the entire movement immoral and unjust because of that.
You're just like israelis who use palestinian terror attacks as an excuse for their ethnic cleansing. No difference at all.