Not exactly musically (which I do kind of agree with but that’s not why we’re here) but in the sense that he’s much better at recognizing and acknowledging cool s*** which if we’re being 100 percent honest is like 90% of being an artist anyway. He’s much more risk taking and has better taste imo, even if he’s vapid and but a billboard. Asap rocky is doing attempted murders, Travis is hanging out with futura. Both have made careers out of looking cool and in my honest Travis is a lot cooler
Travis is much better in every single way and has been since owl pharaoh
When yams died it really pulled the curtain back and showed Rocky is kind of a goof. Remember when he was wearing weird puffy vests and track pants
True. The more controversial take is that Frank has the same modus operandi as Travis and Rocky and isn't much better as a musician
Hilarious considering Travis even with all resources in the world actually can’t overcome the basic-ness of his taste in things
Hilarious considering Travis even with all resources in the world actually can’t overcome the basic-ness of his taste in things
Are you saying Rocky is any better? What are you telling me here
Are you saying Rocky is any better? What are you telling me here
rocky has better taste in things it’s not even close Travis is basic lmao
Travis has refn’s & Nolan’s line & still can’t come up with memorable s***
To be fair all of his Nike collabs are classics
Trav is a goat curator. He’s really the human Pinterest
Rockys s*** after testing has been way too try hard and corny. And I’m in the minority saying after testing because most people dislike that album.
True. The more controversial take is that Frank has the same modus operandi as Travis and Rocky and isn't much better as a musician
Frank is really good at convincing people he’s a true artist which if you’ve ever spent time around artists you figure out that’s most of what being an artist is
Some of the best colorways and changes to stapled silhouettes ever done trav has lapped rocky in fashion and music by 5x and there’s nothing to be debated about it
rocky has better taste in things it’s not even close Travis is basic lmao
Travis tour looked like a violent space opera and hes making movies with harmony korine. Rocky is wearing suits and talking about how cool acid is. Who’s basic again?
Travis tour looked like a violent space opera and hes making movies with harmony korine. Rocky is wearing suits and talking about how cool acid is. Who’s basic again?
Autotune guy