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  • Jan 5, 2021

    This concept has never made sense to me at all.
    How you gone give someone a loan or something along those lines and then increase the amount they have to pay often times knowing that they cant. To me its immoral and there is clearly a reason that its a sin in Islam and Christianity.

  • Jan 5, 2021
    3 replies

    it seems like you understand it

  • Jan 5, 2021
    2 replies
    Cant pick

    it seems like you understand it

    i dont understand why people accept it and think its ok

  • Jan 5, 2021

    i dont understand why people accept it and think its ok

    a lot of things people do aren't very nice and people accept it because they are used to it I guess

  • Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Idk about all that sin s*** but it is a very wack predatory/advantageous thing. A flat rate fee would be better than increasing the fee over time like b**** you knew I aint having nothing since the start smh

  • Jan 5, 2021

    Bunch of liberal bullshit if u ask me

  • Jan 5, 2021

    Interest incentivises the lender to lend money by giving them extra money on the side

    Its the price to pay for getting money now rather than saving. I grew up Muslim and dont like it but i Understand it

  • Faygo

    i dont understand why people accept it and think its ok


  • Jan 5, 2021
    3 replies

    Why would someone give you money you do not have for free.

    It’s a way to boost liquidity and spur spending and therefore increase economic productivity. This is basic finance.

  • Jan 5, 2021
    Side Nigha

    Why would someone give you money you do not have for free.

    It’s a way to boost liquidity and spur spending and therefore increase economic productivity. This is basic finance.

  • Jan 5, 2021

    i mean yeah i'm not oblivious to certain things but

  • Jan 5, 2021

    Interest is the price you pay for getting money now rather than saving for it and it helps protect the lender (that’s why interest is lower for people with better payment history) I don’t like it but I understand it and it’s a necessary evil. 0% loans are out there

  • Jan 5, 2021

    This concept has never made sense to me at all.
    How you gone give someone a loan or something along those lines and then increase the amount they have to pay often times knowing that they cant. To me its immoral and there is clearly a reason that its a sin in Islam and Christianity.

    there's different loans some are a lot more predatory,

    I mean it's a business u ever seen one of those mob movies where they lend some money and then beat their ass when they can't pay it back

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    Jan 5, 2021
    3 replies

    the concept is that you pay somebody in the future to borrow their money in the present

    but morally.. how u gonna take extra money from somebody who clearly needs it more than you do

  • Jan 5, 2021
    HURRY UP sab

    the concept is that you pay somebody in the future to borrow their money in the present

    but morally.. how u gonna take extra money from somebody who clearly needs it more than you do


  • Jan 5, 2021
    3 replies
    Side Nigha

    Why would someone give you money you do not have for free.

    It’s a way to boost liquidity and spur spending and therefore increase economic productivity. This is basic finance.

    why would you only give money so that you yourself could make some sort of profit ?

  • Jan 5, 2021
    5 replies
    HURRY UP sab

    the concept is that you pay somebody in the future to borrow their money in the present

    but morally.. how u gonna take extra money from somebody who clearly needs it more than you do

    This is horrible logic. First of all they do not NEED the money. Who in their right mind is taking out loans for food and basics? Virtually no one. People take out loans on ventures or assets they believe will add EXCESS value to their lives.

    Also recognize that virtually every institution or business out there has some outstanding debt. A loan does not mean you are impoverished. Aapl, the biggest company ever, has 200MM in outstanding debt, but they are in better financial shape than the vast majority of their creditors.

    It’s simply a tool to allow more liquidity and leverage. Unfortunately most people do not understand it but that is irrelevant to it’s ‘intrinsic morality’. I will agree of course that predatory loan structures like the pre-2008 mortgages are cancerous but that is not representative of what debt/interest at large is.

  • Jan 5, 2021
    3 replies

    why would you only give money so that you yourself could make some sort of profit ?

    Because that is how the world works. Incentives drive productivity.

    Why would you do anything in life unless it serves some sort of benefit to you?

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    Jan 5, 2021
    1 reply
    Side Nigha

    Because that is how the world works. Incentives drive productivity.

    Why would you do anything in life unless it serves some sort of benefit to you?

    speak for yourself dude

    if greed is your only motivator, that’s on you. not everyone’s like that.

  • Jan 5, 2021
    4 replies
    HURRY UP sab

    speak for yourself dude

    if greed is your only motivator, that’s on you. not everyone’s like that.

    Lol it’s basic psychology and evolution. If something does not bring you some sort of benefit, why would you do it? Even ‘selfless’ acts like charity bring you some intrinsic psychological sense of good. Whether the benefit is ‘emotive’ or monetary is irrelevant.

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