  • This artist journey thus far even from the beginning has been traumatic, soul crushing, gut wrenching, out of body, spiritual awakening inducing you name it

    My purpose is to help others find theirs. Like the movie, Soul.

    Like the title says, I don't want to go that route of loneliness, being misunderstood, looked at as a zoo animal, neglected even more. I wanted to balance the scales. Karma to Dharma. If I had stability or trustworthy, supportive friends/support system as we're all humans/social creatures, would be all I need essentially

    I don't care about billions, women, ego trips, anything superficial. From a young age been emotionally intelligent and wise, growing up fast and I never truly wanted them. Most of us know they're to impress the ego and others' egos.

    Can you imagine the unconditional love if it was recipricated, you're considered or thought of. Sharing that unconditional love between yourself, family, friends, strangers and that ripple effect in that direction?

    As a dedicated artist, been on my Michael Jordan/Kobe Bryant focused mode and fighting through it all while making the music consistently. Even coughing blood for the 3rd time/trying to escape shutter island(dysfunctional home(no not dumb, current circumstances, had a good job/own apt etc. brought back to hell after that) yet I'm still producing music and putting it out for no one to barely give a s***

    I don't smoke anymore, pretty disciplined before I ever started, during and even now. There were times where I was numbing myself but I dealt with the emotions, tragedies, anger, sadness yet I tamed it and would take breaks or quit cold turkey

    I never worked so hard before to make sure I improve, the music is enjoyed by the audience, myself. I know others feel this deep loneliness, I have tackled and overcame during majority of my sober life

    I know things come from our mind and we have the utmost free will within despite divine intervention or the higher realms/God/Universe would redirect or save you. But man how much would it help to have an encouraging environment, or people, group of friends you can truly trust.

    So many others who lack resources yet hidden geniuses become unnoticed, nameless and that could have been that next genius to spark the other geniuses who didn't know they even were one

    If I had the finances, resources blah blah like the typical sad artist story but for real. I'm a human being that wasn't ever treated as such yet see the beauty in others. Most project, drag you down to the bottom of their barrels for us to get sucked in a dystopia loops.

    Just ranting to share it somewhere or maybe inspire someone to go after their dreams. S*** would be sick to make music in other cities or creating concepts that would uplift and really light a fire on people's asses whether they're a rising artist or any profession

  • Aug 2
    5 replies

    just put the fries in the bag bro

  • Aug 2
    3 replies

    Get a therapist my man

  • Yeah that's why I decided to not be a rapper too

    Also not reading allat

  • i'm not reading all that but good for you or sorry for your loss

  • Aug 3
    3 replies

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 3

    Get a therapist my man

  • Twicetagram

    just put the fries in the bag bro

    Knew this was coming lol

  • greatsmilebuddy_

    Get a therapist my man

    I did, he just proved me right

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 3

    Power is speaking your truth from a place of vulnerability and you did that. it's all love dawg, treat yourself like you would a dear friend and you'll be aight.

  • proper 🔩
    Aug 3
    1 reply

    mac and amy were shooting heroin in between their toes.. you just smoked a little weed you’ll be alright @op

  • Aug 3
    1 reply

    Get a therapist my man

    @op therapy was a game changr for me i used to make troubling threads like this also

  • Jim Napster

  • Aug 3
    1 reply

    keep working

    make better music

    get better at promoting

    it'll happen

    gotta get better tho you falling short in some way you gotta get better you gotta work harder

  • Aug 3
    1 reply
    Jim Napster

    deadass me reading this lmao

  • Aug 3
    1 reply

    that’s nice though op, i like the mindset

  • proper

    mac and amy were shooting heroin in between their toes.. you just smoked a little weed you’ll be alright @op

    Ty for tldr. Was honestly expecting op to be on crazy d****

  • Jim Napster

  • Have u read the Hindu scriptures?

  • The problem is we live in a very unbalanced society

    When u think of reciprocity the issue is everyone wants to climb this ladder, and the bars of the ladder get smaller the higher u go, so we are basically in a WWE money in the bank match where everyone is tryna climb the ladder, pulling others down as they go up

  • It's like a bipartite graph

    The blue side is the cool ppl, the red side are the Randoms, and the blue side only links with itself, but the red side is trying to link with pretty much anyone, so they pretty much link with other lost ppl, who cannot do anything for them. Crossing into the blue side is near impossible if ur starting off on the red side

  • Last post but I want to add u have to remember the intrinsic value of music. There's so much music available that just making good music isn't enough. U gotta either find a way to stand out or accept that it will probably never be enough to pay the bills

    The best music unites people and let's people have fun. U gotta find something that resonates on a deep level

    I've dropped 3 full dnb projects this year and it's only August. I don't even make dnb primarily. It's a grind fam idk what the best solution is

  • Aug 3
    2 replies

    @op therapy was a game changr for me i used to make troubling threads like this also

    Nigga went to a public therapist or social security one someone just put him on shrooms and he ran with it

  • Twicetagram

    just put the fries in the bag bro

  • ellen degenerate

    keep working

    make better music

    get better at promoting

    it'll happen

    gotta get better tho you falling short in some way you gotta get better you gotta work harder

    I hear you. Always. I do 80 people job by myself as an artist. I know I gotta get better at promoting. Marketing is 90% of it

    Even at my worst, willing and will improve

    Lmk what ya'll f*** with and don't f*** with