nah direct downloads are taking over don't have to worry bout isp's unless ur isp dont care then torrent away
jdownloader is just as fast as torrents though
also the torrents be outdated af this site i got tries to keep s*** updated AND it is direct downloads win win
I ain't gon lie I messed around with fruity loops yes that's what it went by back then lol hella years ago and couldn't understand it. Music producers are f***in talented man that s*** was confusing as hell to me
is there a "dumbed down" program someone trying to learn can use? FL interface is so hard to learn beyond just making the beats
just go on youtube man and be prepared to spend hundreds of hours learning it. its not that deep lol
I ain't gon lie I messed around with fruity loops yes that's what it went by back then lol hella years ago and couldn't understand it. Music producers are f***in talented man that s*** was confusing as hell to me
this how i feel outside of fl lol
also the torrents be outdated af this site i got tries to keep s*** updated AND it is direct downloads win win
Bless me in DMs fam
@op who that in ya avi
i seen the panning law setting
is panning better in 11 ?
Yes by far, just uncheck that b****. In theory it shouldn't do much but make it a lil louder but for me it actually adds some crispness too
fl studio 20 is really better than all of his previous versions idk why ppl get stuck on 11
its officially post beats hours
here a few other beats but yo s*** sound good is that you rapping ?
I did this on fl make it go crazy and I'll drop it
I did this on fl make it go crazy and I'll drop it
why can i not hear it