  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    my birthday is Aug 20th as well!!!

  • Aug 13, 2020

    I will, and I'll tell you my thoughts afterwards

    now i feel pressure

  • Aug 13, 2020

    You don’t realize how important a near death experience is until you have one

    i don’t doubt it but not exactly gonna go seek one out

  • Aug 13, 2020

    Needs cliffnotes version

  • Aug 13, 2020

    OP I’m glad you found the happiness in life. Everyone deserves that. F*** anyone that says otherwise. I wish you the best in your journey my friend

  • Aug 13, 2020

    damn fam this is a long read so ima just not read it lowkey

  • Aug 13, 2020

    I think I remember that thread you made about punching your co worker or something like that. I read it but not sure if I left a comment or not. Really at this state of mind i'm in it sounds like something I would do

    I'm diagnosed bi-polar with psychotic features and have social anxiety, but i'm on meds for them. They never worked. It was really easy for me to lose hope cause of that, like I felt unfixable. Bi polar doesn't go away either, it just gets better over time(sometimes).

    I've had multiple suicide attempts this year by trying to hang myself and I can say I was seconds away from dying. Only thing that kept me here was my fear of maybe experiencing joy one day. Each passing day it does get harder though, cause it's never came.

    I'm a d*** addict now and like taking benzos and drinking a lot cause it helps pass the time and numbs the pain a bit. Right at this second i'd say i'm at my lowest, that doesn't mean i'm not trying to dig myself out though. I really shouldn't have gotten this deep to begin with.

    I remember the first time I got admitted to the psych ward a little over a year ago and when I came home I realized just how much I took my bed, internet, computer, and my mom for granted. The beds there are just wood and some plastic, I couldn't see my mom, and obviously no internet. To this day I still dont take those things for granted, and i'm deathly afraid of losing them, or getting admitted to a psych ward for the 3rd time(had another admission in January).

    I'm not a very social person and just dont mesh well with people. How it's always been. It's a skill you've gotta learn, but I dont see a point in learning it. I thought maybe i'd find meaning and happiness in people but I haven't. Now i'm trying to focus on things like art and music because those are my passions.

    Sorry about the brain injury you went through, that sounds horrible, I couldn't imagine. Happy you had a speedy recovery, that something not much people can do. You have the right to feel invincible cause you earned it.

    Wish nothing but the best for you going on forward

  • Aug 13, 2020
    www quakerboy us

    no one is reading all that i promise you that

  • Aug 13, 2020
    2 replies

    on everything i love the length of this story is almost disrespectful

  • Aug 13, 2020

    Nigga wrote his autobiography itt

  • Aug 13, 2020

    on everything i love the length of this story is almost disrespectful

    been through a lot

  • genghiskharti

    op made a jean thread

  • Glad you’re still alive brudda. The Brain is nothing to play with

  • Aug 14, 2020
    www quakerboy us

    no one is reading all that i promise you that

    I read it , amazing story, thanks for sharing

  • Aug 14, 2020


  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    I need to have more gratitude for the blessings in my life, I’m living great

  • Aug 14, 2020

  • Aug 14, 2020

    I need to have more gratitude for the blessings in my life, I’m living great

    this is kind of the point, i guess? thanks for reading

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    too many cliches that im sure are true but im to dismiss them mostly. read all of it tho and keep updating us!

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Read it all bro. It might sound corny but you’re genuinely an inspiration. Keep it up and I can’t wait to see the thread when you’ve made a full recovery nothing can stop you in this mode

  • Aug 14, 2020
    Halloween Gang

    Read it all bro. It might sound corny but you’re genuinely an inspiration. Keep it up and I can’t wait to see the thread when you’ve made a full recovery nothing can stop you in this mode

    thank you man, i’m glad someone can be inspired by my experience which is cool, as long as it’s genuine and i didn’t force it in some manufactured way, but i’m just doing my thing

  • Aug 14, 2020

    too many cliches that im sure are true but im to dismiss them mostly. read all of it tho and keep updating us!

    my updates will prolly be in my recovery thread i haven’t made many threads so you’ll see it on my profile

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    A lot of people will be too lazy to read but thank you for sharing your story op. I hope it positively effects someone reading it.

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Is the near death experience optional?

  • Aug 14, 2020

    on everything i love the length of this story is almost disrespectful

