I hate watching sports that I know I won’t be apart of, like football or basketball, because they’re not my main goal but I hate watching stuff, I want to take apart in it, not watch people do it
I came to the conclusion that people who like watching others play sports and cheer for them are the ones who are most likely to use the c*ckold chair in the hotels
It’s entertainment dawg
It’s not that deep
It is deep, do you not feel impotent? Like you could be apart of something bigger but you rely onto watching someone else do it? Losers for me
I dont love watching sports either but I get the appeal. Athleticism has been impressive to people since day uno
Do you guys actually care about sports? Your IQs must be below 100 to actually care about this trash. In the time you guys were watching this glorified chess game, I hit the gym and worked on my stock portfolio. I’ll retire in my 40s while you commoners stay in your cubicles.