OP projecting
talkin abt "dont you feel impotent" like nah bro that's allllllll you lmfaooooo
Do you guys actually care about sports? Your IQs must be below 100 to actually care about this trash. In the time you guys were watching this glorified chess game, I hit the gym and worked on my stock portfolio. I’ll retire in my 40s while you commoners stay in your cubicles.
I’m an MMA pro fighter, ex tennis player and current BJJ black belt
I couldn’t care less about act or not, but what gets me mad is that I can’t seem to sit on the f***ing couch with my old man and watch the f***ing play offs without getting up immediately or go walk he dog, because I hate watching people do stuff I can perfectly do right now I feel like it’s a waste of time, unless you’re a scumbag gambler then it’s really dumb in my opinion