  • Jun 7, 2023

    also you might just have to accept the fact your looking down the barrel of two more years of school, its not too late to change majors, youll just have to accept the fact it going to take longer, i did that and dont regret it

  • Jun 7, 2023
    math fifty

    its a liberal arts degree

    You can flip that into anything tbh

  • XavierMane

    my advice a brick of fentanyl

  • Jun 7, 2023
    · edited

    All that passion means zilch if you out here broke. This world is too hard these days to be broke @op

    Finish your degree, get a good job, live below your means, save the difference and invest it into your real passion until it pays off. If it pays off, then focus on your real passion, and then at least if your passion falls through or you need a break, then you have a good fallback with that Degree.

    Only people that are very talented and/or lucky can turn their passion into a career off the jump. Best thing you can do is focus on doing something that will make you big money that will fund what you really love until you can do that full time.

    Be appreciative that you’re on the road to having a good career even if it’s not one you like, cause you could be chasing your passion while homeless if you want.

    ^ Listen to this man @op. That starving artist life is cool and romantic in the movies, but in real life that s*** is torture.

    You may not think it's worth it, but setting reasonable goals and seeing them all the way through is going to be key not only to your education, but to being successful with your passions as well - doubly so in the entertainment industry. Don't let yourself fall into the habit of quitting when you feel disenchanted

  • Jun 7, 2023

    id say have a meeting with your advisor and discuss opportunities, you still might have time to add a concentration to your major
    i would say still ride out college tho, there were so many 30-40 year olds at my school would said "I wish I just finished my first go around" I feel like if you drop out youll inevitably go back
    I personally just dont know what jobs liberal arts degrees get, I always assumed teacher

    Liberal arts could get you a nice job at like some insurance place or something.

    Anything that isn't specialized but requires you to at least not be a total s*** head.

    But you might have to end up in retail or restaurant unless youve got a nice resume...

  • Jun 7, 2023
    1 reply

    damn twinnem this was literally me 2 years ago.

    as a dropout who shares similar sentiments, my best advice would be to stay in school. switch majors or talk to your counselor and see what could be added to it. get yourself a career and make that your base to comfortably build your actual visions on top of it.

    you're in a great space in time rn. you're mental fortitude is being tested and it's time to lock in. the world's in your palm rn, just go outside and seize these days. make friends who become connections. youtube & google literally everything. also, prioritize your mental health. as a creative, you can't let anybody or anything psych you out of what's destined for YOU. read. write. drink your teas. let some sun in.

    2 years removed from uni (& single dorm debt lol) and I work at a warehouse that I hate, and I feel about as close to "the dream" as I was when I first stepped foot on campus I'm still trying to grow up and mature, let alone be big time. you with no loans is literally heaven rn lmaooo. take this time and explore your options fully and keep developing yourself and your craft.

    a bit long winded & probably not what you wanna hear but idk I just related too much to not say anything. hopefully this does something positive for you g

  • Jun 7, 2023
    1 reply

    it's all downhill after uni
    it does not get better
    i'm in hell right now

    is it really that bad bro?

    i did a wfh placement year during lockdown. to me nothing could be worse

  • Jun 7, 2023

    damn twinnem this was literally me 2 years ago.

    as a dropout who shares similar sentiments, my best advice would be to stay in school. switch majors or talk to your counselor and see what could be added to it. get yourself a career and make that your base to comfortably build your actual visions on top of it.

    you're in a great space in time rn. you're mental fortitude is being tested and it's time to lock in. the world's in your palm rn, just go outside and seize these days. make friends who become connections. youtube & google literally everything. also, prioritize your mental health. as a creative, you can't let anybody or anything psych you out of what's destined for YOU. read. write. drink your teas. let some sun in.

    2 years removed from uni (& single dorm debt lol) and I work at a warehouse that I hate, and I feel about as close to "the dream" as I was when I first stepped foot on campus I'm still trying to grow up and mature, let alone be big time. you with no loans is literally heaven rn lmaooo. take this time and explore your options fully and keep developing yourself and your craft.

    a bit long winded & probably not what you wanna hear but idk I just related too much to not say anything. hopefully this does something positive for you g

    This is facts, too

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Jun 7, 2023
    3 replies

    is it really that bad bro?

    i did a wfh placement year during lockdown. to me nothing could be worse

    doing a soul crushing 9-5 hybrid right now, i hate the job and it's all the same bullshit out there when i look for others

    zapped off energy after work can't even go to gym

    just want to redo uni and pick a program with a different major can't do that but want to go back to school for some program or somethin but i'm pushing 30 and saving for a wedding

    you are truly f***ed once you grad

  • Jun 7, 2023
    1 reply
    · edited

    doing a soul crushing 9-5 hybrid right now, i hate the job and it's all the same bullshit out there when i look for others

    zapped off energy after work can't even go to gym

    just want to redo uni and pick a program with a different major can't do that but want to go back to school for some program or somethin but i'm pushing 30 and saving for a wedding

    you are truly f***ed once you grad

    what was the degree and where do you work? if i’m allowed to ask

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Jun 7, 2023
    2 replies

    what was the degree and where do you work? if i’m allowed to ask

    it was business and i do tax stuff for the government
    when i look for other stuff its all customer service bs out there if you don't specialize in hr or marketing but theres 10x the competition

  • Jun 7, 2023
    1 reply

    almost done with psych, still no idea what i want to do

    What do you want to specialize in? No one really tells you when you start that the cool psyc jobs require masters degree+
    A lot of employers can help you get that accreditation tho. ABA is an easy entry point and you'll be a step ahead of everyone else starting off

  • Jun 7, 2023

    it was business and i do tax stuff for the government
    when i look for other stuff its all customer service bs out there if you don't specialize in hr or marketing but theres 10x the competition

    ah fairs

    i’m sorry about that man, but if you want to go to the gym you’ll gain the energy from going and it’ll become easier to do it

  • Jun 7, 2023
    1 reply

    except im incredible at my job

  • Jun 7, 2023
    2 replies


  • Jun 7, 2023

    you a sorry b**** for even mentioning my name in here btw

  • Jun 7, 2023

    clear alt too i will get your ass outta here

  • Jun 7, 2023

    Just jump.

  • Jun 7, 2023

    Do something and figure the rest out along the way

  • Jun 7, 2023

    stop living in your head, always try new s*** and also remember sacrifices are necessary to achieve your goals

    nothing comes easy in life but thats what makes success feel so good

  • Jun 7, 2023

    I thought u could do a couple things with a psych degree

  • Jun 7, 2023

    u and me are the same fr
