25 is where you are basically falling of the cliff lol
F*** me I turn 25 in 11 months
appreciate it og
Damn don’t do me like that
I’m still young blood at heart
You have more than enough time for anything you want to do, it just depends on how much you're willing to dedicate your time towards getting it.
The age windows people tell you, don't do anything positive for the mental, because it's just unnecessary pressure, it just leads to burning out. Life's unpredictable & there's no telling what will happen tomorrow so take every day as a blessing that you've made it this far & ease up on yourself. Take as much time as you need.
There's going to be people that are your age/younger, that are going to be more successful than you, and it might make you feel like you missed your chance at success too, so you don't bother trying hard at it, that's just imposter syndrome. In life you'll only see people's highlights instead of the process leading up to it, if you just watch MJ clips, then just hang your jersey up after because you say you'll never be like him, you won't be, because you never tried. Everyone moves at a different pace, you're in your own lane so don't stress out trying to keep up with another person who's had different/better opportunities in life. Life's a marathon not a race.
Consume as many substances as possible bc once you hit your mid-20’s there starts to be real consequences.
Don’t get too attached to any kind of identity or people bc everyone begins to rapidly dart off in different directions in their early 20’s. Still build strong bonds people, but don’t ever think things are going to stay the way they are.
Don't drink and don't do d****.
Let's not get hasty
Drinking and smoking in moderation is okay
Don't touch the hard s*** though
Paying 600 dollars a month for a car when you make like 3000 a month isn't worth it
How you feel about 800-950 a month for an apartment for around that salary?
How you feel about 800-950 a month for an apartment for around that salary?
That's pretty high for where i am
That much for a house is okay but not an apartment
That's pretty high for where i am
That much for a house is okay but not an apartment
the lowest here is 750-800, however I don’t have a car payment to worry about
I have one more month of being 19, what should I get done now that will be unacceptable in my 20's?
Get quality s*** on your resume asap volunteer at places if you can to do it
Read books
Meditate daily - genuinely life changing
Cut sugar
Start your retirement savings and max out government/employer contribution
@op don’t spend your money on a b****