  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply

    It went quite well actually, being productive and busy with something helped me be in a better space mentally and accomplished

    On the other hand when I spend too much time on internet and socials it lowkey wrecks my mood, thats why I'm planning on slowly drawing myself away from here though I won't 100% cut it

    You're 1000000% correct on that last point. This stuff on the internet ruins us as humans. It's good to see that you're slowly drawing away from being online because once you start getting away from it, it slowly becomes easier. You gain control of your attention span again.

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm gonna be honest, I definitely have alot of mental issues currently and this site/my posts can reflect that. If anyone gets offended by stuff that I say out of pocket in anger please do not take it seriously (unless it's stuff about music because I truly mean 99% of the s*** I say or with memes)

    These past 2 years COVID has truly f***ed alot of us up, the constant stimulation of news/media that is displayed and "news stories". S*** really is messing ME up personally, does anyone else feel like this? I sit at home all day, wait for my girl to come home so I can at least have someone to talk to in real life.

    I don't know what else to say but I feel like it's obsessive posting of mine, or sometimes slightly manic feeling from typing on this site that makes me question if I'm mentally stable or not.

    Anyone else?

    U a real one for this

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply

    ive also struggled with GAD my entire life, which makes me kinda socially awkward and its hard to start relationships with people

    ima be real like i don't know how to meet someone because i want to, like it feels like ill be hella weird and creepy even though it probably isn't

    like it sounds f***in weird but i really need to develop and hone my social skills better so i could meet and connect with more ppl

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply

    You're 1000000% correct on that last point. This stuff on the internet ruins us as humans. It's good to see that you're slowly drawing away from being online because once you start getting away from it, it slowly becomes easier. You gain control of your attention span again.

    Exactly and seeing my friends recently too helped, it's like man I shouldn't be spending so much time on ktt. Numerous people here do they tryna fill some void and creates an illusion that you're being "social" when in reality your sitting alone on your ass behind some screen.

    The fact that I'll be busy next week with school should help too, got gym, shopping, work, etc. and my schedule will be PACKED

  • Mar 25, 2021

    im not in college at the moment, i withdrew because i just couldn't get with the online learning and i couldn't focus

    looking to re-enroll this year, and maybe go in-person but idk

    i just want something better to do with my life where i can connect with people and get a life that i've wanted for so long

    Sorry to hear bro. COVID has made things really difficult for focusing on work/school/etc because we just become too lazy.

    Really hoping this all works out for you, and you WILL find something eventually once our society starts opening up again.

    Personally I live in a town with local businesses and a constant stream of visitors walking around, and lately it's been 100% dead.

  • Mar 25, 2021

    ive also struggled with GAD my entire life, which makes me kinda socially awkward and its hard to start relationships with people

    ima be real like i don't know how to meet someone because i want to, like it feels like ill be hella weird and creepy even though it probably isn't

    like it sounds f***in weird but i really need to develop and hone my social skills better so i could meet and connect with more ppl

    GAD is trash bro, mine didn’t come until after 7th grade, I’ve said this before and I’m not anti vax but I swear to god after I got a flu shot I felt weird for months and never knew if I recovered

  • Mar 25, 2021

    the thing that has helped me out the most is keeping myself busy. i go out and hike, started lifting, visit with family, etc. the more time you spend doing something the less time you have to let your thoughts overtake you. I talked to someone about something similar not too long ago and they told me, “Life is too short to sit around and be sad all the time.” That quote really hit me

    Thanks so much for the post; keeping busy and finding stuff to do is so hard at the moment but your right. Staying off screens is the best way to counter act mental problems.

  • Mar 25, 2021

    U a real one for this

    Thanks man just really needed to get this out because I've been feeling so empty lately. Sometimes I feel like I can barely even read the text on posts because I get so bored. It's like everything feels dull.

  • Mar 25, 2021

    idk but i can say i'm definitely not!

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply

    Exactly and seeing my friends recently too helped, it's like man I shouldn't be spending so much time on ktt. Numerous people here do they tryna fill some void and creates an illusion that you're being "social" when in reality your sitting alone on your ass behind some screen.

    The fact that I'll be busy next week with school should help too, got gym, shopping, work, etc. and my schedule will be PACKED

    Honestly that's awesome for you bro, love to see it. Wish I had irl friends though

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply

    i think about this sometimes, like i have the average interests of a normally extroverted person, i like fashion, hip-hop, music and stuff but it's kinda hard growing up in a small city where no one really on the same wave you on, so its hard to meet ppl with the same interests and even if i do, it feels like i don't really get to know the person enough

  • unemployment does that to ppl

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply

    i think about this sometimes, like i have the average interests of a normally extroverted person, i like fashion, hip-hop, music and stuff but it's kinda hard growing up in a small city where no one really on the same wave you on, so its hard to meet ppl with the same interests and even if i do, it feels like i don't really get to know the person enough

    Side question: growing up did you always have that feeling like you don't fit in with normal people? Cause that's the story of my life. I constantly tried to change who I was mentally/personality wise to be around people I thought were "cool" but in the end it just wrecked who I was.

    Sure I have a wife, a stable job, but other than that my life is dull. I can't escape these mental problems I have and sitting inside everyday just makes them worse. It amplifies them to the point where I can barely even function.

    I'm sorry to hear that you feel 'lost' too but just know alot of us are the same way.

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply

    Honestly that's awesome for you bro, love to see it. Wish I had irl friends though

    I appreciate it fam

    I hope you'll be in a better space, we'll get through rough times like this

  • no

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply

    Side question: growing up did you always have that feeling like you don't fit in with normal people? Cause that's the story of my life. I constantly tried to change who I was mentally/personality wise to be around people I thought were "cool" but in the end it just wrecked who I was.

    Sure I have a wife, a stable job, but other than that my life is dull. I can't escape these mental problems I have and sitting inside everyday just makes them worse. It amplifies them to the point where I can barely even function.

    I'm sorry to hear that you feel 'lost' too but just know alot of us are the same way.

    hell yeah, i always have that feeling like i don't fit in

    it sucks man i feel that, that's the words i've been thinkin for a while

  • Mar 25, 2021
    2 replies

    why are you lumping everyone else into this just to admit it to yourself?

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply

    COVID has turned everyones world upside down.

    Man, I work in media. Trust me it can be mentally exhausting at times.

    What I do: ( what's in my control) I go for walks and read.

    Focus my mind on other projects

  • Mar 25, 2021

    I appreciate it fam

    I hope you'll be in a better space, we'll get through rough times like this

    thanks so much bro

  • Mar 25, 2021

    ima be honest like why i got into making beats is because i've always wanted to do that and i finally learned over quarantine and its really fun

    i wish i had more people to talk about it with though

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply
    www quakerboy us

    why are you lumping everyone else into this just to admit it to yourself?

    he’s just trying to see if anyone feels the same

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Mar 25, 2021

    broke phi broke we ain't got it

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply
    www quakerboy us

    why are you lumping everyone else into this just to admit it to yourself?

    Look at the title thread "alot of us", it doesn't mean you.

  • Mar 25, 2021
    1 reply

    I’m an apex predator

  • Mar 25, 2021
    2 replies

    earl voice

    ye i mean yea
