you really mean that man
100% man
I mean every word i ever said about ur music man, its not just being positive
U got a talent fr
real mixtape s***
Oh carry on
Floor seats got my fav lyrics on this s***
25 years of my life
I’ll never get that quarter back
100% man
I mean every word i ever said about ur music man, its not just being positive
U got a talent fr
that nas deep dive did wonders to my quality bro
This last beat
The bars
that nas deep dive did wonders to my quality bro
Black republicans remix when
this is the A.L.L.A.H beat
Forbidden sounds
Forbidden sounds
i have to live a lil on the wild side
the world needed to hear this beat
@early insane EP man i really mean that s***
Quality rapping
Quality bars
Quality beats
S*** got its own character too fam, s*** sounds like Early
Your best project so far (until the next one)
i have to live a lil on the wild side
the world needed to hear this beat
Watch out for moving vehicles and faulty wires
I need to have this in rotation already
Watch out for moving vehicles and faulty wires
He needs to watch out for girls trying to break his heart too
Dont need my goat to make his heartbreak album so soon
He needs to watch out for girls trying to break his heart too
Dont need my goat to make his heartbreak album so soon
Early on some auto tune croons might break the internet
I need to have this in rotation already
S*** flows so good as a project
Best vz project in 2024
@early insane EP man i really mean that s***
Quality rapping
Quality bars
Quality beats
S*** got its own character too fam, s*** sounds like Early
Your best project so far (until the next one)
i got a lot of my real experiences into this project and i cooked this up in two months so im surprised at the outcome myself
thank you and purrp again for helping me figure out a clear vision after the cursed project