It's not a replacement for flossing
Oh sorry. What is it for then?
Oh sorry. What is it for then?
waterpik is better than nothing for sure, but nothing is an actual replacement for flossing
the main portion of flossing that is effective is not to just remove whatever is in between (which is what the waterpik is doing) but to actually scrape the sides of the teeth in as close to a manner as a brush would do
Mfers be like "I'm so clean" n they have corpse in their stomach 💀💀💀
youre a goat
youre a goat
No u
Literally just drink water, get some sun, shower daily, wipe your ass, and moisturize. You’ll f***ing glow.
Clean your ears with hydrogen peroxide and q-tips to remove wax
Shower after taking a dos
Cut nose hair
Wash your feet and yourself (daily)
Clip your toe nails & fingernails
Floss daily
Brush teeth, gums & tongue
Shower and scrub everywhere really good
Brush and mouth wash your teeth double the recommended time
Basically, any normal amount you spend doing the basic things for at least double the time can help to get you started
Don’t brush more than needed lol that will f*** your mouth up. And probably lead to dentures