  • Dec 8, 2022

    and holy s*** bro

    i saw a deal for the 4K trilogy for $40 during Black Friday and i’ve wanted to watch these for a while so i snatched that s*** up. the package came this weekend and my life changed forever. imma be thinking about these films for a while, i can’t believe i’ve only just now seen them

    i know it’s universally agreed that Part 2 is the best, but tbh i think i liked the first one a little more. just being introduced to the world and the characters was incredible, one of those rare movies where i was hooked from the first scene. plus the GOAT Marlon Brando

    right after i finished Part I, i started with Part II and i think that may play a part in why i wasn’t hooked on it instantly the way i was with the first one. i should have given myself a break/breather in between films. but don’t get me wrong, Part II is still amazing and i see why its more revered. i love the unique story structure and Robert DeNiro did the damn thing as Vito

    replacing Marlon Brando is a job that i wouldn’t wish on any actor but my man rose to the occasion. this was his breakout role, no? that Oscar was well-deserved

    one way that Part II has the edge is that it has a more emotionally resonant storyline lowkey. but contrary to popular opinion, i think Michael was right to kill Fredo

    Al Pacino’s performance is also a masterpiece within itself and Michael Corleone is one of my new favorite characters of all-time. watching his downfall was some Shakespeare s***

    his closing the door on Kay at the end of the second one was the coldest s*** i’ve ever seen. i wanna pull that on a shorty one day

    Michael is that nigga. i was nervous going into Part III bc i’ve always heard it was trash. i thought about not watching it all but i paid money for this s*** so f*** it. i’m glad i did watch it bc it made me realize that niggas LIED on that movie

    Part III is not that bad of a film, it just works more as the Coda instead of the third part. don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely not f***ing with those first two which is a huge problem. i def could have done without that bullshit Vincent/Mary storyline especially. had me wondering if s*** like that really happens in the Mafia. and if not, wtf was the point?

    but seeing an older Michael’s attempt to turn his life around and get out of the business only to realize it was too late was fascinating. for that reason alone, i’m glad the movie exists even if parts of it was basura

    this scene in particular was amazing

    i can’t wait to rewatch them all again bc i know there’s so much that went over my head. but yeah, those first two are def my new favorite films

  • Dec 8, 2022

    Godfather 2 in my top 3 best movies ever. Though it had some awkward parts, I still think Godfather 3 is overhated

  • Dec 8, 2022
    1 reply

    I honestly really like Godfather 3. It’s a solid cap on that world.

  • Dec 8, 2022

    I like the first one more

  • Dec 8, 2022
    3 replies

    Should I watch Godfather 3 or Coda?

  • Dec 8, 2022
    7 replies

    I always get hate for this but i feel like Godfather trilogy is slightly overrated

  • Dec 8, 2022

    ops avy reminds me of Ozma from FF9

  • Dec 8, 2022
    2 replies

    Its a really fleshed out drama but when it comes to italian mob movies i prefer the fast pace and flashy characters of the Scorsese flicks

  • Dec 8, 2022

    I always get hate for this but i feel like Godfather trilogy is slightly overrated

    Rewatch asap

  • Dec 8, 2022
    1 reply

    Glad I’m not the only one that thinks Part 1 is better.

  • Dec 8, 2022
    1 reply

    Its a really fleshed out drama but when it comes to italian mob movies i prefer the fast pace and flashy characters of the Scorsese flicks

    Scorsese’s s*** is def easier to rewatch no doubt, as it’s faster and flashier. But The Godfather man…

    s*** is like a moving painting. something you need to fully immerse yourself in so you appreciate it

  • Dec 8, 2022
    1 reply

    I always get hate for this but i feel like Godfather trilogy is slightly overrated

    Not enough visuals for you

  • Dec 8, 2022

    Should I watch Godfather 3 or Coda?

    I’d say Coda as that fits Coppola’s original vision. I haven’t even seen the official Part 3 but from what I hear, the differences aren’t major. just the beginning and ending scenes are changed

  • Dec 8, 2022

    I honestly really like Godfather 3. It’s a solid cap on that world.

  • Dec 8, 2022
    1 reply
    Warren Peace

    Scorsese’s s*** is def easier to rewatch no doubt, as it’s faster and flashier. But The Godfather man…

    s*** is like a moving painting. something you need to fully immerse yourself in so you appreciate it

    Im all about immersive cinema, Godfather i wouldn’t call immersive as far as my defenition goes

  • Dec 8, 2022
    1 reply

    Not enough visuals for you

    Im def not about visuals only, not every film warrants that even if i may love those kind of films

  • Dec 8, 2022
    1 reply

    Im all about immersive cinema, Godfather i wouldn’t call immersive as far as my defenition goes

    I love Scorsese but calling the Godfather not immersive is nuts to me

    The atmosphere is especially in the first one

  • Dec 8, 2022

    Glad I’m not the only one that thinks Part 1 is better.

    First one my fav too. Been a min since I watched the movies tho.

  • Dec 8, 2022
    2 replies

    the 'it was you fredo' scene makes me emotional EVERY single time I see it, even if its on YouTube or something. idk how it works, even thinking about it I kinda get this funny feeling in my eyes

  • Dec 8, 2022

    the 'it was you fredo' scene makes me emotional EVERY single time I see it, even if its on YouTube or something. idk how it works, even thinking about it I kinda get this funny feeling in my eyes

    and its not because its relatable or anything its simply off of the fact that in this movie he does what he does

    both films are straight up my top oat

  • Dec 8, 2022
    1 reply

    the 'it was you fredo' scene makes me emotional EVERY single time I see it, even if its on YouTube or something. idk how it works, even thinking about it I kinda get this funny feeling in my eyes

    You just want Al Pacino to kiss you

  • Dec 8, 2022
    1 reply

    So Coda title just spoils the f***ing movie??????????!!!!

  • Dec 8, 2022
    1 reply

    just a reminder that Coppola never wanted to do a part 3, he only agreed because the studio was gonna make it regardless of his involvement

  • Dec 8, 2022

    just a reminder that Coppola never wanted to do a part 3, he only agreed because the studio was gonna make it regardless of his involvement

    and still made a classic.

  • Dec 8, 2022

    !dream Picture of Kanye West and Marlon Brando hanging out, 35mm digital photography