Bernie aside, they coulda picked Warren or Yang but they chose THIS man...
where is this from lol
Bernie aside, they coulda picked Warren or Yang but they chose THIS man...
I wanna see who this girl is and hear her story
Y’all do know the same evidence can be found for Travis Scott too right except Rubi Rose admits they were together when she was younger on video
I do believe there is wiggle room. Like that I don’t see anything wrong with the 2 year gap. 3 years I’m not too sure about, meaning 19 with a 16 year. But I def don’t think 19 with a 17 year old is pedo
I mean honestly 19, 18 you still got ‘teen’ attached to ya age so I get it. But by the time you 22 you more developed. Shouldn’t be a reason why you bagging little shorties.
The word is so watered down it’s hard to take serious. And I agree being in your 20’s and messing with freshman, sophomores in high school is weird Nd creepy, I know of guys who preyed on girls that age whom were 21+ , but at the same time women like older men as well but any 1-2 year age difference when you’re young is considered a perversion taboo by mainstream America anymore and it’s dumb as f***. The age rule is a good standard to rely on imo
Ion think any of this is really pedophilia but a lot of it is most definitely predatory. 22 year olds f***ing 16 year olds is inexcusable imo
Grown adults is different and even then is looked differently . Developing kids is a really different story
People are still developing until 25 tho
Bernie aside, they coulda picked Warren or Yang but they chose THIS man...
Holy f*** this video made me uncomfortable
uhhh yeah it is a big deal.. you act like these numbers dont mean anything but in reality 17 years old is NOT anywhere close to being on the same page as being 20 at ALL. entirely diffferent life stages, not to mention it's flat out disgusting and wrong. how could someone be lusting over underage girls when they are an adult at that age?
you act like people are gonna look drastically different from their last day of being 17 to their first day of being 18
I wanna see who this girl is and hear her story
According to the dad she wasn't bothered by it.
Niggas gone be fathers letting they 16 year old daughters get they back blown out by niggas in they 20’s. Crazy times we living in.
Being attracted to 16+ girls is not pedophila , 16 year olds are fully women physically and mentally take the ACT and SAT
You niggas that are hating are the ones that know nothing about getting p**** so you hate on niggas that get it
I swear most these 13 page are filled with morally righteous loser that are hating not actually people of noble character
Being attracted to 16+ girls is not pedophila , 16 year olds are fully women physically and mentally take the ACT and SAT
You niggas that are hating are the ones that know nothing about getting p**** so you hate on niggas that get it
I f*** with Ian too bro but this is not the hill to die on
Niggas gone be fathers letting they 16 year old daughters get they back blown out by niggas in they 20’s. Crazy times we living in.
If we being real teenage girls gonna do what they want and no father can stop that
I swear most these 13 page are filled with morally righteous loser that are hating not actually people of noble character
iTs NoT pEdOpHiLiA, iTs EpHebOpHiLiA
Honestly people are watering the word down. Kinda hard to take the word "pedo" seriously when it gets used on niggas who aren't really pedophiles. Meanwhile you got dudes out there preying on actual kids.
why does this post always get made on here in these types of discussions
we get it. u want justice for the guys who go after girls who are ‘just’ 2 or 3 years underage
Most states also have age difference limit to go along with age of consent, it’s not that simple guys.
wait fr?
good to know tbh, but i always just went with
my age / 2 + 7
I f*** with Ian too bro but this is not the hill to die on
Being attracted to 16-18 year olds isn’t pedophilla, it’s called ephebophilia and according to all scientists it’s actually normal because that’s the age women stop growing.
People making it out to be “disgusting “ are just putting up a facade of righteousness because it’s not out the norm also it’s legal