Being attracted to 16-18 year olds isn’t pedophilla, it’s called ephebophilia and according to all scientists it’s actually normal because that’s the age women stop growing.
People making it out to be “disgusting “ are just putting up a facade of righteousness because it’s not out the norm also it’s legal
This site is filled with chatty pattys my god
Neither of these folks even make music
Ion think any of this is really pedophilia but a lot of it is most definitely predatory. 22 year olds f***ing 16 year olds is inexcusable imo
That’s how i would some it up tbh
I mean tbh it's pretty normal
so a 22 year old f***ing a 17 year old is normal in your eyes?
It’s legal literally everywhere else in the world even in Canada it’s pretty normal
Freshman girls were f***ing with seniors all the time my first year
why does this post always get made on here in these types of discussions
we get it. u want justice for the guys who go after girls who are ‘just’ 2 or 3 years underage
The f*** are you even talking bout dawg
The f*** are you even talking bout dawg
it really is not that complicated.
try reading what you said and then reading what i said
@yeSAC @S @PrinceSzn
do what yall gotta do
17 year olds fly planes, write NYT bestselleing books, Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein at 17
Being attracted to 16-18 year olds isn’t pedophilla, it’s called ephebophilia and according to all scientists it’s actually normal because that’s the age women stop growing.
People making it out to be “disgusting “ are just putting up a facade of righteousness because it’s not out the norm also it’s legal
why you caping for grown men who prey on minors? CREEP
why you caping for grown men who prey on minors? CREEP
don't worry i tagged the mods these f***ing loser creeps are about to get banned
it really is not that complicated.
try reading what you said and then reading what i said
You said I wanted justice for:
the guys who go after girls who are ‘just’ 2 or 3 years underage
The f*** does this even mean?
So I want justice for people who go after girls under the age of consent? Cause I guarantee you can't find a statement where I even implied that.
According to the dad she wasn't bothered by it.
he probably just covering up just to be close to biden.
i want to hear it from her
don't worry i tagged the mods these f***ing loser creeps are about to get banned
17 is the age of consent in every state , you’re the only person with your own set of personal morals