you mad weird. If anything nickis is least fraudulent because she isn't relying on radio payola... but you don't actually care about that.
Lol do you know what the f*** payola is? Clearly you don't. None of the barbs do. Y'all just like using buzz words. Literally every single major label artist that has ever been played on radio throughout the history of time has payola to thank for that. No artist, from Michael Jackson down to Khia has ever been played on a radio station without money first changing hands in some form or fashion. Radio just doesn't f*** with Nicki because she's washed and the music isn't quality.
Lol do you know what the f*** payola is? Clearly you don't. None of the barbs do. Y'all just like using buzz words. Literally every single major label artist that has ever been played on radio throughout the history of time has payola to thank for that. No artist, from Michael Jackson down to Khia has ever been played on a radio station without money first changing hands in some form or fashion. Radio just doesn't f*** with Nicki because she's washed and the music isn't quality.
You bumpin this thread to hate is crazy 🤣
Also I said Nicki doesn't use radio payola and you basically agreed🤣🤣
Nicki still better than your favs so stay mad bozo
You bumpin this thread to hate is crazy 🤣
Also I said Nicki doesn't use radio payola and you basically agreed🤣🤣
Nicki still better than your favs so stay mad bozo
...Except she does. Republic can't force the radio stations to keep playing songs that don't connect with the audience. Nicki's don't. They pay to get the songs in rotation, and only the ones that perform best stay. Her's don't and haven't on a high level in almost a decade.
...Except she does. Republic can't force the radio stations to keep playing songs that don't connect with the audience. Nicki's don't. They pay to get the songs in rotation, and only the ones that perform best stay. Her's don't and haven't on a high level in almost a decade.
Do you even like rap music cause you just be saying anything. Who you listen to 🤣
It seems like your account is mainly just hating on Nicki. Every time she is mentioned you pop up. You are obsessed 😭