...when do you think they would’ve fell off commercially? Like albums wouldn’t sell like they used to, or no more hits on the Hot 100?
Artists like Aaliyah, Tupac, Biggie etc. / or do you think they’d still be relevant in the current climate?
Pac most likely would've kept doing movies on top, doubt he would've fell off much if any
Pac most likely would've kept doing movies on top, doubt he would've fell off much if any
Agreed Pac would be an A list celeb
Tupac would still be culturally relevant if not musically
Biggie would most likely be as relevant as Jay-Z is right now, he had a great ear for production, hooks and you can tell by life after death he was looking for more modern sounds instead of trying to stay in the past. He would’ve definitely had more hits
Pac most likely would've kept doing movies on top, doubt he would've fell off much if any
I feel pac would be around kinda where 50 is right now
Even if Amy wouldn’t have grown bigger and her next album flopped I know it would’ve been quality and she’d continue to put out classics
Aaliyah would definitely be a legacy singer, like I would say a more accessible Beyoncé type feature
I feel pac would be around kinda where 50 is right now
I feel like he would’ve made bigger moves and become a public figure. More so than he was
I feel pac would be around kinda where 50 is right now
Yea that sounds ab right
Feel like Big would be more lowkey like Nas but be making $$$ off investing and other business type s***
Yea that sounds ab right
Feel like Big would be more lowkey like Nas but be making $$$ off investing and other business type s***
Big was way more commercial than Nas
I feel like he would’ve made bigger moves and become a public figure. More so than he was
True, just depends on if he could stay away from trouble
ion wanna think about it tbh
Pac most likely would've kept doing movies on top, doubt he would've fell off much if any
Aaliyah woulda likely had a similar trajectory to Brandy/Monica rather than Beyonce lbr
Mac would've seen Circles getting positive reviews and begin deviating strictly from Rapping. Probably turn into someone like Rick Rubin 30 years from now
Maybe refine his producing and become a relatively utilized producer