  • Jul 19, 2023

    Just watched the vid in OP. Stopped after 20 seconds. Imagine listening to this man talk

  • Jul 19, 2023

    any evidence to prove that?

    The entire history of our species and how we've become less and less animalistic and hostile toward one another as our material conditions improve

    There was a time thousands of years ago where humans ate their own offspring not-too-uncommonly, and we slept in trees

  • plants ๐ŸŒป
    Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply

    yo @plants - I don't have any intention on going all the way vegan but I've considered vegetarianism for a while. What's a good resource for some easy recipes?

    r/vegangifrecipes has a lot and they're usually simple, helps that stuff is visual too.

    I got a couple cookbooks like Thug Kitchen and But I Could Never Go Vegan! that taught me a lot

    cant rly offer any advice on vegetarian specific stuff because I went from omni to vegan overnight

  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply

    That ginger guy is an infamous self professed cuck. He has video talking about his wife boyfriend... That's the standard billionaire hater you're dealing with...

  • Jul 19, 2023

    r/vegangifrecipes has a lot and they're usually simple, helps that stuff is visual too.

    I got a couple cookbooks like Thug Kitchen and But I Could Never Go Vegan! that taught me a lot

    cant rly offer any advice on vegetarian specific stuff because I went from omni to vegan overnight

    much appreciated bro

  • Jul 19, 2023

    That ginger guy is an infamous self professed cuck. He has video talking about his wife boyfriend... That's the standard billionaire hater you're dealing with...

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jul 19, 2023

    Trust me i dont give a f*** about them either, they live their lifes and i live mine. One thing you will never catch me do is b**** and cry how more successful/richer people than me are evil just because they were sensible enough to seize more opportunities than me

    them living their lives as a whole impedes upon you living yours is the argument ppl are making.

    thank god ktt2 is out of touch or otherwise you'd think by this thread there isn't a steady rising class consciousness amongst the people with these strikes in various industries picking up steam (e.g. rail workers, SAG/AFTRA actors and writers, UPS had to concede TODAY and admit to returning to the bargaining table to hopefully give part time workers better pay just to prevent one of the most costly strikes that would've occurred this century)

    The people are rising up. Bootlickers gon' either get with the program or get left behind.

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    It's not truly "good" if you're doing it for a reward


    A lot of attitudes we have is surprisingly individualistic and not really a reflection of a lot of societies as a whole.

  • Jul 19, 2023
    2 replies

    dudes itt really think they gonna become billionaires

    Honestly at least they got hope

    Half of the ktt dudes you see hating on rich people in 2023 were in the crypto thread in 2022... I respect the dudes who got genuine political grounding but not the bitter brokies...

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jul 19, 2023

    Honestly at least they got hope

    Half of the ktt dudes you see hating on rich people in 2023 were in the crypto thread in 2022... I respect the dudes who got genuine political grounding but not the bitter brokies...

    the system is literally rigged though.

  • Jul 19, 2023


    A lot of attitudes we have is surprisingly individualistic and not really a reflection of a lot of societies as a whole.


    Never forget that Pac was in the Young Communist League

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jul 19, 2023

    Like (outside of practical, lemme repeat, outside of CLEARLY PRACTICAL reasons that you'd need it like occupations where transport is a necessity) when you read a comment thread where people talk about the reasons why cars are better than public transportation you really see how such isolating a society we've bred ourselves to be.

    Like community is legit not even a thing anymore.

  • Jul 19, 2023
    Water Giver

    Govt. has literally pulled out some cities and industries where they have no government support like Casa Grande Arizona or Detroit Michigan where they barely have if any police, health, education, work or recreation.

    • bros response "you just dumb ๐Ÿ˜Ž"

    Very wealthy individuals literally lobbying against jobs, colleges & assistance + industries.

    • bros response "you just dumb ๐Ÿค“"

    this is who u was arguing with

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jul 19, 2023


    every American problem we've ever had in this millennium is damn near cause of cars.

    in a way, I'm being hyperbolic but also 75% semi serious. having epiphany atm

  • Jul 19, 2023

    Bruce Wayne was on the Epstein flight logs

    Alfred too

  • Jul 19, 2023

    Naw capitalism is outta control these days.

    You got straight scam artists making fortunes (that will last for generations) by abusing people's lack of education/physical abilities.

    Then when you make it close to the top, every decision you make is based on making more income. You think of how to screw people over, how to cut every possible corner: just like big businesses and their tax loopholes and lobbying.

    Even if your product becomes a shell of its former self, as long as it still makes money, you keep making it and cutting costs to keep that INFINITE GROWTH.

    For example, I saw them selling pop sockets (Not a bad product, but quite the gimmick) at Target for 16 bucks... those s***s used to be like 10...

    There's no way they're using more than like a dollar total worth of materials to make those. They simply raised the price on it because they can, and no one can stop them, all while they continue to cut corners.

    Sure, it's a "free market" and capitalism is all about the "market" deciding who is successful, but we're at a point where these super rich f***s can literally pay to maintain their success, regardless of the quality of their product or services. Lots of companies (ISPs and telecom, for example) take advantage of the fact that you have very little choice. Then they use lobbyists and litigation to thwart current and future competitors.

    The market (us consumers) dont actually have as much of a choice as they say. They actually love that most people are just clout chasing and buying the best marketed thing because it's no longer about real quality, just about how many transactions they can ring up and how many people they can weasel with their ads (which btw get shoehorned into anything that uses a display).

  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply
    emo genghis khan

    yes and they shouldn't exist but ultimately you should be against the bourgeoisie as a whole

    I'd rather join them yall have fun tho

  • Jul 19, 2023
    2 replies

    I'd rather join them yall have fun tho

    I guarantee you that you never will

  • Jul 19, 2023

    It was mainstream American discourse AND law up until the 80s that excessive individual wealth was a danger to the health of democracy and capitalism and that tycoons were bad people who needed to be put in their place by the government

    Anti-Trust laws out now

    Y'all literally just regurgitating a 40 year old philosophy coughed up by a celebrity who became president that started the crack epidemic, built the Taliban, brought money into politics, put mentally ill people out on the street by the millions, destroyed blue collar labor, and demonized single black mothers, all because he hated regular people.

    Reagan was a f***ing Nazi

  • insertcoolnamehere โœŠ๐Ÿฟ
    Jul 19, 2023

    @simulacrum spittin

  • Jul 19, 2023

  • Jowe Buddew โ›ต
    Jul 19, 2023


  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Lol Kanye the only non-evil trillionaire

  • Jul 19, 2023

    I've been around the world I'm not impressed

    So have I lol
