  • Jul 19, 2023

    I would love this $32 average hourly wage this guy is referring to

  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Lol Kanye the only non-evil trillionaire

    Kanye is a literal Nazi who forced his employees to watch p*** during meetings

  • Skinn Foley

    Kanye is a literal Nazi who forced his employees to watch p*** during meetings

    Yeaaaaah yeah yeah yeah

  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    I guarantee you that you never will


    Get a bachelors, find a job and save and you can too

  • Jul 20, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    I guarantee you that you never will

    Big loser mentality make more room for me to get your bread

    You boutta call me evil too in 10 years💯‼️😤

  • Jul 20, 2023

    Big loser mentality make more room for me to get your bread

    You boutta call me evil too in 10 years💯‼️😤

    I'll see you at the general strike my guy

    Please read Robert F. Kennedy and Adam Smith if nothing else

  • Jul 20, 2023
    1 reply


    Get a bachelors, find a job and save and you can too

    This isn't 1981 my dude

  • Jul 20, 2023
    Skinn Foley

    This isn't 1981 my dude

    Oh things are certainly harder

    But there's also more upside

  • Jul 20, 2023
    1 reply

    Lol these kind of statements be getting me

  • Jul 20, 2023
    2 replies
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    Lol these kind of statements be getting me

    Ngl I'm not sharing my s*** with just anyone just cause I got it and they don't

  • Jul 20, 2023

    When we eliminate all the billionaires and the millionaires become the evil ones

  • Jul 20, 2023
    1 reply

    Ngl I'm not sharing my s*** with just anyone just cause I got it and they don't

    Bruh the math not even mathing

  • Jul 20, 2023
    kenni nixon

    just goes to show money can't buy class

    Not you believing a nigga on ktt a millionaire

  • Jul 20, 2023
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    Bruh the math not even mathing

    I'm setting my family and friends for life. May even hook up a KTT member or two
    But other than that, what obligation do I have to help out a bunch of random ass people.

  • Jul 20, 2023
    1 reply

    I'm setting my family and friends for life. May even hook up a KTT member or two
    But other than that, what obligation do I have to help out a bunch of random ass people.

    Pls hook me up. I'm struggling and love rich people

  • Jul 20, 2023

    do y'all realize how much a billion dollars actually is? it is an insane amount of money that no one person should be able to achieve. a person simply CANNOT achieve it without exploiting a large number of people.


  • Jul 20, 2023
    Skinn Foley

    If you're worth more than 10 million dollars you probably had to screw someone over or invest in something that screws people over to get there

    Pro-capitalists talking about "just hustle harder" have no perspective or grasp on the use of imperial warfare to forcibly open up markets, the use of child labor and slave labor abroad to create superprofits, and the erosion of democratic institutions that occurs through bribing politicians to legalize the horrors these savages enact on the majority of humanity and the planet. They just listen to Hov and think "aw damn I just gotta grind harder". Jay Z is a rat b****** who can rap well. He makes his money putting ankle monitors on parolees, sold crack cocaine well beyond any sort of material need to do so, and gentrifying his own hometown to break bread with the same white people that brought crack into the USA to begin with. He shot his own brother over a chain.

    Nigga said you invest in something that screws people over

    Bruh what are you supposed to do to make money😭😭

  • Jul 20, 2023
    Skinn Foley

    The petit-bourgeoisie aren't inherently enemies to the working class for this exact reason. They're not always villains and they are in the labor struggle too, albeit in a different capacity, because they themselves still have to work.

    Jeff Bezos hasn't done a hard day's work since the 90s at best

    What's qualified as hard days work

  • Jul 20, 2023

    people itt probably also think being a landlord is ethical, you're wasting your breath fam

  • Jul 20, 2023

    I don't have an answer for this, but I think the question just begs more questions (all hypothetical):

    • Is a billionaire evil if he is "worth" over a billion, but the money is not liquid/is locked into shares of their own company and they live off of a meager salary and live humbly?
    • Is a billionaire evil if they are constantly distributing their wealth, but continue to quickly make it back?
    • Who is more evil? An extremely charitable billionaire (always spreading their wealth to others, doesn't exploit their workers, sets up multiple organizations for charity, has directly saved lives, personally volunteers a lot, etc) or someone who is very stingy and selfish but makes 80k a year
    • Are they perceived as evil as soon as they earn more than $999,999,999?
    • Is a multi-millionaire, or "hundred-thousandaire" who hoards their money more or less evil than a billionaire who hoards their money if they distribute the same percentage of their income to others

    Of course the wealth critics ain't respond to this

  • Jul 20, 2023
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    Pls hook me up. I'm struggling and love rich people

    Let me do some nefarious s*** first and I got you :​

  • Jul 20, 2023

    Let me do some nefarious s*** first and I got you :​

    Hoarding everything you give me. Can't wait to be evip

  • Jul 20, 2023

    dudes itt really think they gonna become billionaires

  • Jul 20, 2023

    you people are still stuck on the money aspect and not on the "how did they get that money" aspect

    you can't have a billion dollars without labor exploitation

    Could you expand more on labor exploitation

  • Jul 20, 2023

    pleading and begging every single person itt who is making great arguments re: the ethics of labor exploitation to extrapolate that to animal rights

    if a billionaire living their life comes at the detriment of you living your life, the same goes for you living your life at the detriment of animals living theirs
