Chance maybe? Maaaybe lol
A decade without one is crazy. Thought JID would be the one but he has no mainsteam appeal rn
record stops and party turns around and stares
🤣🤣🤣 We haven’t had one for decades. Just grab someone
Hmmm there's a big difference between drop out of college I'm hungry energy VS I'm a trapper and I make bands outside of school.
Capitalism and social media made the first one corny and lame
Niggas in this b**** cracking codes! Lmaoo keep talking nigga
Nobody notices when s*** like this happens and its scary because its not even one person or thing that did this
this why you was @'d lol
Look at you not getting nuance again! Bravo. It was a joke
If Kanye dropped College dropout today it woulda sold 35k and New workout plan would be the biggest song on there (Tiktok boost)
A decade without one is crazy. Thought JID would be the one but he has no mainsteam appeal rn
Label issue I think. JID is the perfect beast
Who’s the last mainstream backpack rapper we had?
joyner lucas, smino, earth gang, isaiah rashad, jid
I dont think Kanye sounds broke on College Dropout
Its not a big topic but he makes it clear on several songs he has money already lol
Spaceship is broke nigga raps for sure.
Give me any of these detroit niggas that actually honestly rap about working at the GAP and not "shitting on niggas working at the GAP"
joyner lucas, smino, earth gang, isaiah rashad, jid
one of these things is not like the other
joyner lucas, smino, earth gang, isaiah rashad, jid
Unfortunately the only mainstream one here is not backpack
If Kanye dropped College dropout today it woulda sold 35k and New workout plan would be the biggest song on there (Tiktok boost)
Bro the more y’all do these the more this goes to being depressing fr. Songs like Workout Plan or Gold Digger being his main thing over s*** like Heard Em Say or Spaceship. An artist like that today would have to be a gimmick
If Kanye dropped College dropout today it woulda sold 35k and New workout plan would be the biggest song on there (Tiktok boost)
When Ella Mai dropped and niggas hated her interludes I knew we were finished
No skits no interludes what’s the point anymore
I feel you but like…at what point do we turn into old man yelling at cloud ykwim?
Feels like hip hop is in a weird spot rn where commercially the rappers from our generation are still pulling the most numbers but the kids of today got their own s*** going on. Hip hop will always be run by the kids and I don’t think that’s gonna change anytime soon
The kids running their own s*** are sucking despite 2016 generation gave an open lay up for creativity.
Spaceship is broke nigga raps for sure.
Give me any of these detroit niggas that actually honestly rap about working at the GAP and not "shitting on niggas working at the GAP"
Same album: “i blow pass low class niggas with no cash”
Same album: “i blow pass low class niggas with no cash”
That’s classism not wealth. He was heading there though
No d***riding, I feel like Kendrick is one of the only rappers that could bring this s*** back if he actually built out his label and tapped in with young niggas that he believed in
That's why I feel like PGLang could be something special, if he tries to put the West Coast on, and give us a multiple artists for separate rap lanes.
Bro the more y’all do these the more this goes to being depressing fr. Songs like Workout Plan or Gold Digger being his main thing over s*** like Heard Em Say or Spaceship. An artist like that today would have to be a gimmick
Yeah the industry's cooked. A song like Heard em say going mainstream today would be damn near impossible
When Ella Mai dropped and niggas hated her interludes I knew we were finished
No skits no interludes what’s the point anymore
They hated on her for her interludes?
because the mid-late 90s was seen as the turning point (hence why @Brave "pac" point can be seen as problematic)
it's been a slow decline dawg them crackas had to work hard!
Now everybody making Pimp Trick Gangsta Clique albums and Andre being a "sonic displayist" cause it's no inspiration in rap
I don’t relegate Pac to 1996 and All Eyez On Me, I’ve talked extensively about how toxic that era of Pac’s influence was for the image of black men in music from 1998-2004
Im talking about early Pac. The Pac that tackled social issues and took s*** to the ground. The Pac who preached the good word in interviews
That’s classism not wealth. He was heading there though
“First nigga with a Benz and a packpack”
And even though it was irresponsible broke niggas don’t have 25k to blow on materials
I’m not saying he was flex rapping but I don’t feel like he was tryna act like he was broke; a lot of times when he would rap about being broke it’d be from someone elses perspective like We Don’t Care or past tense
I don’t relegate Pac to 1996 and All Eyez On Me, I’ve talked extensively about how toxic that era of Pac’s influence was for the image of black men in music from 1998-2004
Im talking about early Pac. The Pac that tackled social issues and took s*** to the ground. The Pac who preached the good word in interviews
but that's THE Pac niggas of today are looking at.
They not looking at Brenda Got a Baby Pac or Holla If You Hear Me Pac
and there are rappers that do take up that vein but...the zeitgeist lol.
the reasoning is obvious
people cannot sugarcoat how much integrity you gotta lose to make it in the industry