JIK was only a miss cause it was about Jesus lmao
Real. Otherwise, he executed a unique minimal aesthetic.
But you can miss me with worshipping someone who will send people to hell. The concept of hell is really really cringe and evil.
Anybody ever notice the crazy parallels between Kanye and Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys?
A genius with mental health issues, worsened by the death of a parent, dropping one of the greatest albums of all time (though at first misunderstood), influencing his contemporaries to drop better music, feeling insecurity over other artists being bigger, spending years working on and announcing projects that never release.
I think where The Beach Boys f***ed up was not retiring while they were in their prime. They kept making music and became derivative of themselves, ultimately circling back to the original surfer characters which made them appear corny, ultimately tarnishing their legacy.
I don’t think Kanye is being rushed to drop projects, it seems like he’s being given time to complete his work, and hopefully when he releases it’s of the quality we have come to expect.
I don’t understand this craze about retiring in your prime and having a perfect discography. Just be thankful that these artists continue to share their music. It not being on par with their best doesn’t take away from their classics imo.
Tell that to ktt when it comes to Em
The last good m&m album was like 2005
If this was KTT1 u would be banned already
All of those are factual events Aubrey was involved in, why would I be banned?
They re still selling is the main point but you knew that already considering the post you quoted, and not to mention none were as half assed/thrown together as JIK
sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales
All of those are factual events Aubrey was involved in, why would I be banned?
They used to just lock threads and ban anyone who said that stuff about drake it was weird.
Y’all should be worried bout Drake.
Nigga can’t make a lasting hit since f***ing Shiggy danced on camera
ye won't let an album named after his late mother be subpar bro
No way.
I feel an album like this gives him motivation to deliver a masterpiece. Albums like Ye, JIK and TLOP, he was kinda just wingin it and hoping for the best.
Feel like this first time he’s been inspired musically in a long ass time.
Idk bout undisputed but I can see why you feel this way
TLOP is S tier and 808s is S+. Other than that this is accurate af.
sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales sales
That's the standard you re held to when you were a top 5 seller your whole career till you fell off
he has a really dedicated fanbase he'll probably never lose but most people outside of that already not interested in anything he's gunna put out anymore
What you doing here with my mans name ???
Tbh the only Kanye Album i didnt like was Ye. Its the only one. The Good Friday Mixtape is 10 times better than this.
Tbh the only Kanye Album i didnt like was Ye. Its the only one. The Good Friday Mixtape is 10 times better than this.
Ye is the Pinnacle of the Kardashians influence on our proclaimed unfluence-able King, they're masters, they hinged our boy, now he's unhinged, he's wearing the mask and not speaking jus working it out with himself- I expect a few more sunken place bars then i just want Kanye to return: no more therapy s***
It’s already over for him with 3 mid solo albums
6 classics still outweigh in my opinion only two mid albums
Ye was not perfect it was very sloppy, okay album but pretty poor compared to the rest of his discography. Same goes to JIK
KSG perfect though and it seems like a lot of people leave this tour of the conversation with both Kanye & CuDi when talking about their discogs. I get it was a collab album but I feel like it's worth noting
No way.
I feel an album like this gives him motivation to deliver a masterpiece. Albums like Ye, JIK and TLOP, he was kinda just wingin it and hoping for the best.
Feel like this first time he’s been inspired musically in a long ass time.
Maybe having Kim out of the picture let him focus better and inspired him again
It’s already over for him with 3 mid solo albums
But then not many artists still on
Kendrick didnt miss yet i guess. And who else?
i have seen every person hating in this thread in the album thread there’s your answer
Actually crazy lol
Ye was not perfect it was very sloppy, okay album but pretty poor compared to the rest of his discography. Same goes to JIK
Says tyler1999 a mf who never made anything half as good as either albums