Says tyler1999 a mf who never made anything half as good as either albums
Imagine typing this
People didn't like 808s or Yeezus when they dropped
In 3-4 years people will say Ye and JIK are underrated, which they are
JIK is easily his most underrated album
He let an album named after himself be complete dogshit
To clarify, I'm talking Ye, not Yeezus
You have terrible ears
If drake ever drops an album as bad as Jesus is King we can talk
Was listening to JIK yesterday. KTT still pretending to hate that album? Hands On, UTG, COS, Follow God, On God, EWN all amazing songs
Now Ye album? That’s truly trash
And the Live Versions are even better
After Ye and JIK, all i hope its at least better than those two
He a legend and a genius but another album of mid tbh and his name wont be the quality seal that was before
He Kanye West tho he's never going to be totally over
Folks have been saying this since TLOP tbh and this site and Twitter still goes into a frenzy whenever a rollout starts
This is the same line of thinking as "Drake is gonna be done after this album since he keeps making the same s***"
Some even say since Yeezus tbh
Drake has yet to drop a trash album lol
Regardless of what ktt hive mind thinks the public has never regarded a drake project as a dud
Drake been dropping duds since IYRTITL
More life and Views do have a few gems tho
Dude dropped Ye and I thought it was over. Then KSG dropped. I'll never give up on Ye.
album stinks
Of great music I know
for what ?
seems like it would be impossible for him to go broke or have people not interested in new music
he can release jik volume 18 & retire/unretire again 20 times in this decade i dont think much would change lol
True his celebrity has far surpassed the music, no matter what he does people will be interested
Drake stans ITT saying Kanye dropped 3 mediocre albums in a row.. what do you call Drakes last 6 years?
Dude dropped Ye and I thought it was over. Then KSG dropped. I'll never give up on Ye.
Damn you were in shambles for that week