If Trump wins he’s going to be even more cucked to the deep state than his last 4 years and definitely more than the last 4 years
Its stale neoliberal stooges until the end of time
Anyone who say this election will turn out one way or the other is full of s*** at the moment, there is too much time before November and too many unknowns for something unprecedented like this
i gotchu
its strange how many americans think trump is the next hitler when not only they tried to scare people into thinking that before and failed but when he got in it actually wasnt even remotely as bad as it would get later on without trump
I think you are confounding loud vocal online people with the general American public. I don’t think most Americans think he is Hitler, the man is too ed to be Hitler. I think they think he is an idiot and and an embarrassment to our country.
Most Americans are too busy working and raising kids to be online all the time thinking Trump is Hitler.
nah I actually think people exaggerate trump's "Scariness"
I really do not think he will do anything besides call govenors "looking for votes"
if that to you is overthrowing the election, and enough to cause a civil war, then sure maybe
ima ball regardless
even though DT wants them all released and wants all their votes, the type of freaks that came out to Jan 6th 10000% creep trump out just as much as they creep out people here, and so if we are led to believe these are the type of people starting the civil war, I dont think it will happen cause DT will tell them to get back in line
No, At most there’d be isolated incidents across the country but they built the empire to withstand that
It’s a huge country, like huge, and it’s empty in the middle. Consider taking that by military strategy. It’s difficult at best.
Also, who is going to let us take time off of work for this civil war? I got bills to pay. I’m sure they do too.
If I was to place my money on it, they’ll cry and scream and we’ll go back to normal by the next week.
How are there so many people in this country that are still dumb enough to believe the 2020 election was stolen???
How is that possible??!
Him and his allies gonna try to pull the same bullshit again but at least he doesn’t have the power of the presidency this time.
The Republican party has spent a lot of time and money over the last four years installing election deniers into prominent positions within swing state electoral systems. Not saying it's for sure going to happen, or that it's going to bear any fruit if it does, but the goal here is to refuse to certify any election results they don't like. Things could get dicey for a bit if Kamala wins but civil war is a massive stretch
It’s like people forget that Biden/Harris are still gonna be in charge.
Also, who the f*** wants to lay their lives down for Donald Trump except for the tiniest sliver of his base, which is already the minority of the country?
Like yeah, if he loses he’ll probably try to do some dumb s***, or get his base to do some dumb s***, and some of them might try and do some dumb s***, but there’s not gonna be anything approaching a f***ing all out assault.
i don't want to jinx anything but i really don't think so.
The hype was huge and people had been locked inside for a year during the election of 2020 so things simmered over. I doubt it will get as nuts as that year, but I also don't know what kinds of things Trump will pull to throw the results out.
Dude's a felon now too. That doesn't help.
i don't want to jinx anything but i really don't think so.
The hype was huge and people had been locked inside for a year during the election of 2020 so things simmered over. I doubt it will get as nuts as that year, but I also don't know what kinds of things Trump will pull to throw the results out.
Dude's a felon now too. That doesn't help.
Not to mention again, Biden/Harris are still gonna be in the Oval Office.
People seem to forget how BLATANT Trump was with his f***ery last go around. Straight up talking about sabotaging the USPS and s*** like a month before people even hit the ballot boxes.
I’m sure they have contingencies if something arises whether that be an attempt at another Jan 6th, or an election subversion in November.
Not to mention again, Biden/Harris are still gonna be in the Oval Office.
People seem to forget how BLATANT Trump was with his f***ery last go around. Straight up talking about sabotaging the USPS and s*** like a month before people even hit the ballot boxes.
I’m sure they have contingencies if something arises whether that be an attempt at another Jan 6th, or an election subversion in November.
that's true, but it's Biden going to press outlets right now warning that Trump means it when he says there will be bloodshed.
He can't admit that he lost fair and square, but he already used the "rigged election" thing last time to seem like he didn't lose. He can't possibly use it twice in a row. But I feel like he will, and I feel like all them Maga types (who all seem to own guns) might completely lose their s*** when trump loses. Especially if he again says its rigged. And that would be twice in a row. I don't think they would sit still if Trump says something like that. Not only that, Trump is old, 78. This is his last shot. We already got quite close to a civil war in 2020 when trump refused to say he lost and played with the idea of ignoring the election results and playing dictator. How do you guys feel about all of this? It's been playing on my mind lately. Honestly, was this the reason that one nerd tried to off him?
Last time they only basically got away with that s*** because Trump was president.
Let them invade the Capitol or white house when the president of the united states isn't urging them to do so and instead, actually acting as the commander in chief.
how in the f***in world would the republicans organize any attack or actual militia
they legit couldnt even do jan 6 right and they were far more riled up then
white hillary clinton couldn't even beat trump and yall think brown hillary clinton will.
i don't think there's a soul in the country that has the ability to amass the effort and unity it would require to hold a civil war
nevermind all the logistics and s*** needed for it be successful
banning gooning is the only way
white hillary clinton couldn't even beat trump and yall think brown hillary clinton will.
This does really feel like Clinton vs Trump again, at least from how the media is portraying it. Everyone was saying Clinton had it locked and she got cooked. And now they’re starting the same narrative for Kamala. We’ll see what happen
white hillary clinton couldn't even beat trump and yall think brown hillary clinton will.
kamala is lucky she's running in an era where they can weaponize online stan culture to help her campaign. get gen z talking about her being brat and mother so they ignore the fact that she likely holds the same view towards the genocide in palestine as biden does and likely wouldn't change s*** in that regard if she became president.