  • Oct 3, 2020
    1 reply

    ok yeah it's sad that you can't explain away things with god anymore, but like i said before, that void that's left is now filled with the infinite possibilities the world offers. instead of limiting oneself to one or a few ways of life, a person can do whatever really. i feel kinda priveleged saying that tho; my life has never been bad to a point where i'd have to trust in a higher power or something like that

  • Oct 3, 2020


  • Oct 3, 2020
    1 reply

    It's not about doing anything that matters, it's about spending your life doing the things you enjoy, experiencing what you personally want to experience.

  • Oct 3, 2020
    1 reply
    Vincent Adultman

    It's not about doing anything that matters, it's about spending your life doing the things you enjoy, experiencing what you personally want to experience.

    what if you don't want to do anything though

  • Oct 3, 2020
    1 reply

    what if you don't want to do anything though

    Then you should find out what you want to do. I wasted like 5 years of my life not being able to figure it out either but it's all about figuring out what matters to you and going for it

    If you're depressed and s*** go to a therapist, get on some meds, and move forward

  • Oct 3, 2020
    1 reply

    The only thing that matters in life is busting nuts and and living to the next day. Our instincts are the ultimate guidelines on how we should live. There appears to be no other purpose to life than eating, sleeping, and f***ing.

  • Oct 3, 2020
    1 reply
    Vincent Adultman

    Then you should find out what you want to do. I wasted like 5 years of my life not being able to figure it out either but it's all about figuring out what matters to you and going for it

    If you're depressed and s*** go to a therapist, get on some meds, and move forward

    I guess, but I don't see any good reason to try to do any of that if it doesn't matter to me and nothing I would do would matter in general

  • blah

    I guess, but I don't see any good reason to try to do any of that if it doesn't matter to me and nothing I would do would matter in general

    It would make you feel fulfillment. You would feel better about yourself and the life you live.

    You are quite obviously in a rut and one day will look back at this era in your life as silly.

    Doing s*** matters to you and at the end of the day that's what really matters.

  • Oct 3, 2020

    people try to solely base their metaphysics off of science talking heads when it should just agree with scientific findings

    imo materialism (the source of existential depression since its fundamentally atomizing and disenchanting) is false but thanks to lawrence krauss types it lives in the mainstream

  • Oct 3, 2020

    I'll tell you if you're right or wrong

    Whatever you want, if nothing matters everything is as important as you want it to be

  • Oct 3, 2020

    i can nameso many things

  • Oct 4, 2020

    doing what u want to do i guess

  • Oct 4, 2020

    i can't lie bro you type like my literary theory readings yeah ignorance is bliss, but there's at least little value in perpetual suffering, imo.

    plus god isn't quite dead yet so

  • Oct 4, 2020

    If nothing matters why be responsible and hate your life f*** it. ktt2 let's all be bums and rent out a 4 room apartment and do d**** all day and start a soliciting network on our day off to fund ourselves, cant get better then that. Asking for the real ones wya

    bro im with you at this period of time

  • Oct 4, 2020
    JT is Electric

    your nihilistic outlook of the world is unhealthy

    you don't think op knows that?

  • Oct 4, 2020

    sloppy neckington