  • Jan 1, 2021
    1 reply

    trying to contain punk within a definition goes specifically against the most basic concepts of punk

    anything can be punk if it goes directly against established norms in a brash way that evokes something that can approach disgust

    its experimental hip hop, but its by no means punk rock

  • americana
    · edited

    you’re right, because they both borrow heavily from their respective genres without being a cheap entry into that sound and instead create something new and interesting while having heavy ties to the aforementioned sound

    there’s no saving that post fam, no sense trying

  • Jan 1, 2021
    2 replies

    its experimental hip hop, but its by no means punk rock

    punk is not restricted to rock

    it’s punk rap to rap in the same way punk rock was to rock in its emergence

  • Jan 1, 2021
    1 reply
    hey man relax

    no it’s not

    making punk music in 2020 is not punk, it’s the opposite. you also just reminded me that the public reaction to wlr only further supports the comparison that op cant stand

  • THIB 🦌
    Jan 1, 2021

    Cilvia Demo is punk

    greatest punk album of all time then

  • Jan 1, 2021

    punk is not restricted to rock

    it’s punk rap to rap in the same way punk rock was to rock in its emergence

  • snowchild ❄️
    Jan 1, 2021
    · edited

    you’re right, because they both borrow heavily from their respective genres without being a cheap entry into that sound and instead create something new and interesting while having heavy ties to the aforementioned sound


  • Jan 1, 2021

    harr harr harr great rebuttal f***ing dumbass. i sure am enlightened now thanks to you mr punk connoisseur

  • Jan 1, 2021

    album is a 2020s punk classic

  • Jan 1, 2021

    8:00 I’m getting it all out rn before I start drinking

  • Jan 1, 2021

    WLR is punk

    RT tbh sorry guys

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    Jan 1, 2021
    2 replies
    · edited

    you’re right, because they both borrow heavily from their respective genres without being a cheap entry into that sound and instead create something new and interesting while having heavy ties to the aforementioned sound

    Views is closer to a dancehall album than Rodeo is to a trap album & WLR is to a punk album

  • i’m about to just start agreeing with you dumb niggas

  • Jan 1, 2021
    3 replies

    punk is not restricted to rock

    it’s punk rap to rap in the same way punk rock was to rock in its emergence

    how is it punk to rap when every other rapper with a youtube hit sounds just like carti

  • Jan 1, 2021

    trying to contain punk within a definition goes specifically against the most basic concepts of punk

    anything can be punk if it goes directly against established norms in a brash way that evokes something that can approach disgust

    This is...dumb

  • Jan 1, 2021
    2 replies


  • Jan 1, 2021
    HURRY UP sab

    Views is closer to a dancehall album than Rodeo is to a trap album & WLR is to a punk album

    mods baiting u hate to see it

  • Jan 1, 2021
    HURRY UP sab

    Views is closer to a dancehall album than Rodeo is to a trap album & WLR is to a punk album

  • Jan 1, 2021

    how is it punk to rap when every other rapper with a youtube hit sounds just like carti

    reading comprehension at an all time low itt

  • Jan 1, 2021
    1 reply

    When you think about it its just aggressive trap sounding music

    Its just really good marketing by calling it punk

  • Jan 1, 2021

    yes rodeo is not trap music

    okay cool


  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 1, 2021

    Weirdo activity

  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 1, 2021

    WLR is punk

  • Jan 1, 2021

    arguing on websites is most def not punk tho

  • Jan 1, 2021

    WLR is punk and theres nothing u can do about it !!