  • Jan 1, 2021


  • Jan 1, 2021
    1 reply

    how is it punk to rap when every other rapper with a youtube hit sounds just like carti

    ah yes they all sound just like him, which is why normies had a mass public freakout on social media when it released

  • Jan 1, 2021

    WLR is punk.

  • Jan 1, 2021
    1 reply

    When you think about it its just aggressive trap sounding music

    Its just really good marketing by calling it punk

    That’s exactly what it is lol.

    Niggas can’t even make the argument that it’s Punk, sonically. They gotta go with “It has a punk vibe” or “it goes against the norm” therefore it’s punk

  • Jan 1, 2021
    1 reply

    how is it punk to rap when every other rapper with a youtube hit sounds just like carti

    Let me know who sounds just like Carti

    Niggas bit the baby voice but literally no one sounds like him on WLR, that’s the whole reason people freaked out

  • Jan 1, 2021
    3 replies
    hey man relax

    ah yes they all sound just like him, which is why normies had a mass public freakout on social media when it released

    the same normies that put various variations of the album cover as their pics

  • Jan 1, 2021

    the same normies that put various variations of the album cover as their pics


  • Jan 1, 2021

    what points are even trying to be made itt at this point

  • I don't know much about punk or rock, all I know is WLR is a 10/10 rap album

  • Jan 1, 2021

    the same normies that put various variations of the album cover as their pics

    You’re not even making sense what an L 😹

  • Jan 1, 2021

    Rockstar s*** but im not machine gun

    And feel like im the only rockstar, THE ONLY ONE

  • Not Like Josuke

    That’s exactly what it is lol.

    Niggas can’t even make the argument that it’s Punk, sonically. They gotta go with “It has a punk vibe” or “it goes against the norm” therefore it’s punk

    Yeah at most it has a menacing and hardcore vibe. But that isnt punk lol

  • Still love the album though

  • Jan 1, 2021

    It’s not punk

    It’s just trash

  • Ldnum

    the same normies that put various variations of the album cover as their pics

    please start making sense! i beg you

  • Jan 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Let me know who sounds just like Carti

    Niggas bit the baby voice but literally no one sounds like him on WLR, that’s the whole reason people freaked out

    he sounds like all those d***ged out wayne clones with an even less exciting flow and just about no lyrics

  • Jan 1, 2021

    he sounds like all those d***ged out wayne clones with an even less exciting flow and just about no lyrics

  • What we gotta start realising is these labels are built for marketing. Modern marketing is so good it goes under the radar

  • Jan 1, 2021

    I know you know ur rock music/history and alot of the people I see who are the most familiar w rock/punk are the ones saying that its not punk.

    What about the album would you say is punk

    Start at pg 17

  • Jan 1, 2021

    - BRAVE

  • Jan 1, 2021

    TPAB is punk

    Hear me out..


  • Gulpin

    Happy new year y’all

    This album actually grew on me a bit

    Y’all gotta just actually shut the f*** up and ignore haters tho. Nobody cares about it being punk or not but I see 800 people a minute on ktt saying it is

    You can enjoy an album without having to justify its weirdness to everyone. I learned this lesson as a Cudi stan years ago and hope you all can too

    It’s pretty, pretty, pretty punk

  • The more y’all trash it and say it isn’t punk the more it is.

  • Jan 1, 2021

    Yeah f*** the labels album 10/10