Because this is said on the internet every day
These days I rather have a daughter than a son
Gay son or thot daughter?
Gay son or thot daughter?
Thot daughter. Just hopes she gets out of her hoe phase in a timely manner. Gay son just gay forever
Thot daughter. Just hopes she gets out of her hoe phase in a timely manner. Gay son just gay forever
Damn, I know people throw this word around a lot but OP and a lot of this thread are genuinely homophobic. Sad s***
Gay son or thot daughter?
Depends on what kind of gay he is. But thot daughter because you won’t know as long as you don’t ask
Depends on what kind of gay he is. But thot daughter because you won’t know as long as you don’t ask
Yeah I don't want him to be fabulously gay. If he's like Atlanta nigga gay then cool all good with me
Yeah I don't want him to be fabulously gay. If he's like Atlanta nigga gay then cool all good with me
" fabulously gay "
@Fries went on his Twitter and I was right. No ass.
I'll be the bigger man and admit that while it looks crazy in the first shot of that vid, the man has bordering on negative amounts of ass
He would stand in the corner and boot up while you were getting f***ed by marching band