  • Feb 5
    6 replies

    All I will say is that my sister, my fiance, and myself have all been sexually assaulted several times. My niece is a product of it.

    That really hurt me in a way that is like, unreal actually and the cold, callous prodding by these people all the while they spew death threats and call for bans is a very, very low point for this site. Extremely low. Every single person that egged that on should be nuked from the servers.

    But because it wasn't by IDF, it's not AS bad, and I can't actually feel what I've felt? Being poor, having no father figure, growing up hungry, around d****, around murder, none of that matters. What does that matter, because I'm not Palestinian? I don't get how that matters.

    I don't block anyone but I'll block that f***ing loser cause that's unacceptable.

    And it's not like I'm some stunning outlier. That's just what it's like being poor and black in America. I'm not racist, I don't appreciate being compared to the KKK in disingenuous and hate fueled, hysterical comparisons. I won't block @Snowboy because I'm gonna keep putting my foot on their neck until they're wiped from this server like the virus they are.

    There's no point, I refuse to engage because it's silly and I don't see the point of using suffering as a metric for this topic if the is how to effectively influence out government to stop aiding in genocide.

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    no... i called the debate that democrats had over it that divided them as a group was a distraction. the fact you all are watching donald trump destroy the country and probably lead us into ww3 while also just stating were taking over the gaza strip

    like in WHAT world does voting for the zionist kamala worse than voting for the zionist pedophile rapist wetard donald trump

    literally what the f*** about this even makes sense

    and also, other than typing long winded schizo rants online, what the f*** have you actually done for the people for Palestine? have you put any money up? have you protested in the slightest? or is b****ing online the start and end to your activism. you niggas love performing

    stop with this "what are you doing" bullshit it doesn't ever fool anybody and you not gonna lecture two palestinians and a bunch of political radicals on "what they've done" for the people you dont even really care about

  • internet buddy

    What exactly can be done against Isreal literally influencing United States laws being both made and passed?

    a certain man who wears a green hat, that's the only thing.

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 5
    1 reply

    stop with this "what are you doing" bullshit it doesn't ever fool anybody and you not gonna lecture two palestinians and a bunch of political radicals on "what they've done" for the people you dont even really care about

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    Fka Groovy

    All I will say is that my sister, my fiance, and myself have all been sexually assaulted several times. My niece is a product of it.

    That really hurt me in a way that is like, unreal actually and the cold, callous prodding by these people all the while they spew death threats and call for bans is a very, very low point for this site. Extremely low. Every single person that egged that on should be nuked from the servers.

    But because it wasn't by IDF, it's not AS bad, and I can't actually feel what I've felt? Being poor, having no father figure, growing up hungry, around d****, around murder, none of that matters. What does that matter, because I'm not Palestinian? I don't get how that matters.

    I don't block anyone but I'll block that f***ing loser cause that's unacceptable.

    And it's not like I'm some stunning outlier. That's just what it's like being poor and black in America. I'm not racist, I don't appreciate being compared to the KKK in disingenuous and hate fueled, hysterical comparisons. I won't block @Snowboy because I'm gonna keep putting my foot on their neck until they're wiped from this server like the virus they are.

    There's no point, I refuse to engage because it's silly and I don't see the point of using suffering as a metric for this topic if the is how to effectively influence out government to stop aiding in genocide.

    here he goes, now its "poor me for saying fatmericans must enrich themselves first or palestinians shall perish in flames"

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    the cop lost bro you need to move on and stop telling people that "the conversation" over whether palestinians deserve to be alive was a "distraction", its actually very f***ed up

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    Fka Groovy

    All I will say is that my sister, my fiance, and myself have all been sexually assaulted several times. My niece is a product of it.

    That really hurt me in a way that is like, unreal actually and the cold, callous prodding by these people all the while they spew death threats and call for bans is a very, very low point for this site. Extremely low. Every single person that egged that on should be nuked from the servers.

    But because it wasn't by IDF, it's not AS bad, and I can't actually feel what I've felt? Being poor, having no father figure, growing up hungry, around d****, around murder, none of that matters. What does that matter, because I'm not Palestinian? I don't get how that matters.

    I don't block anyone but I'll block that f***ing loser cause that's unacceptable.

    And it's not like I'm some stunning outlier. That's just what it's like being poor and black in America. I'm not racist, I don't appreciate being compared to the KKK in disingenuous and hate fueled, hysterical comparisons. I won't block @Snowboy because I'm gonna keep putting my foot on their neck until they're wiped from this server like the virus they are.

    There's no point, I refuse to engage because it's silly and I don't see the point of using suffering as a metric for this topic if the is how to effectively influence out government to stop aiding in genocide.

    if we get enough users together and draft a statement of concern we may be able to ban them, the first step to losing is believing you lost


  • Fka Groovy

    All I will say is that my sister, my fiance, and myself have all been sexually assaulted several times. My niece is a product of it.

    That really hurt me in a way that is like, unreal actually and the cold, callous prodding by these people all the while they spew death threats and call for bans is a very, very low point for this site. Extremely low. Every single person that egged that on should be nuked from the servers.

    But because it wasn't by IDF, it's not AS bad, and I can't actually feel what I've felt? Being poor, having no father figure, growing up hungry, around d****, around murder, none of that matters. What does that matter, because I'm not Palestinian? I don't get how that matters.

    I don't block anyone but I'll block that f***ing loser cause that's unacceptable.

    And it's not like I'm some stunning outlier. That's just what it's like being poor and black in America. I'm not racist, I don't appreciate being compared to the KKK in disingenuous and hate fueled, hysterical comparisons. I won't block @Snowboy because I'm gonna keep putting my foot on their neck until they're wiped from this server like the virus they are.

    There's no point, I refuse to engage because it's silly and I don't see the point of using suffering as a metric for this topic if the is how to effectively influence out government to stop aiding in genocide.

    bro editing his comments now talking about "wiping out" a palestinian with a "boot on their neck" "like a virus". very odd s***, not at all like how a racist zionist would talk.

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 5
    1 reply

    the cop lost bro you need to move on and stop telling people that "the conversation" over whether palestinians deserve to be alive was a "distraction", its actually very f***ed up

    bro this entire time you have misconstrued my words to fit your narrative its actually so f***ing weird lmfaooooo dude niggas was on twitter arguing about not voting for kamala because of the genocide, so what are we gonna vote trump whos gonna do the same thing if not worse while also destroying EVERYTHING in america, or not vote at all. what the f*** did yall want us to do? and how the f*** is this dumbass which piece of s*** to pick contest not a distraction. the'yre both horrible people, they both advocated for genocide, one of them just isnt donald trump

  • Snowboy

    here he goes, now its "poor me for saying fatmericans must enrich themselves first or palestinians shall perish in flames"

    All victims of sexual assault matter is what I’m sure he’s gonna say, but he doesn’t care about the fact that Palestinians don’t have civilian courts to go to when their sexually assaulted by a foreign occupying military as my family has been

    It doesn’t matter if you’re a minority American or even undocumented you can go to American courts and pursue legal action for crimes against you, you have that right

    Me and my family don’t.

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    bro this entire time you have misconstrued my words to fit your narrative its actually so f***ing weird lmfaooooo dude niggas was on twitter arguing about not voting for kamala because of the genocide, so what are we gonna vote trump whos gonna do the same thing if not worse while also destroying EVERYTHING in america, or not vote at all. what the f*** did yall want us to do? and how the f*** is this dumbass which piece of s*** to pick contest not a distraction. the'yre both horrible people, they both advocated for genocide, one of them just isnt donald trump

    we said it was a distraction the entire time, you keep dragging it back to "well actually this is worse bc fatmericans will suffer" (as if they didn't already)

    is it oochie wally or is it one mic bro

  • what you really mean is "democracy is a distraction bc it doesn't really exist anyway, therefore vote for the cop bc thats the version of genocide I find palatable so that I can personally "move on"

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 5
    2 replies

    we said it was a distraction the entire time, you keep dragging it back to "well actually this is worse bc fatmericans will suffer" (as if they didn't already)

    is it oochie wally or is it one mic bro

    yea idk man im an african american i am concerned about the state of a country that influences the rest of the world. i have no knowledge of where im from in africa and call this place my home. i didnt drag anything back, i said it one time. you are mentally ill and need to log off this forum. from your posts in music to in here you are clearly a very tainted soul that needs love. im sorry this genocide is happening im sorry that probably people you know or your family and culture are being destroyed by extremely evil Israelis and Americans, i am not trying to dismiss what is going on there at all. i simply asked what were we supposed to do, let trump get elected or vote for the cop. 36 days into the new year and i simply feel like we made the wrong decision

  • Fka Groovy

    All I will say is that my sister, my fiance, and myself have all been sexually assaulted several times. My niece is a product of it.

    That really hurt me in a way that is like, unreal actually and the cold, callous prodding by these people all the while they spew death threats and call for bans is a very, very low point for this site. Extremely low. Every single person that egged that on should be nuked from the servers.

    But because it wasn't by IDF, it's not AS bad, and I can't actually feel what I've felt? Being poor, having no father figure, growing up hungry, around d****, around murder, none of that matters. What does that matter, because I'm not Palestinian? I don't get how that matters.

    I don't block anyone but I'll block that f***ing loser cause that's unacceptable.

    And it's not like I'm some stunning outlier. That's just what it's like being poor and black in America. I'm not racist, I don't appreciate being compared to the KKK in disingenuous and hate fueled, hysterical comparisons. I won't block @Snowboy because I'm gonna keep putting my foot on their neck until they're wiped from this server like the virus they are.

    There's no point, I refuse to engage because it's silly and I don't see the point of using suffering as a metric for this topic if the is how to effectively influence out government to stop aiding in genocide.

    It’s terrible that that happened to you and your family—no one should have to endure that kind of suffering. But let’s be honest here: you didn’t bring that up to find common ground with me or to acknowledge any shared pain.

    You did it to deflect, to shift the conversation away from American complicity by making yourself the victim in a discussion that was never about you.

    I’m the Palestinian you chose to reply first to and attack. I’m the Palestinian whose family experienced sexual assault and death because of a US-funded military.

    You wanted to force an emotional stalemate where your suffering somehow cancels out my reality. But it doesn’t.

    The difference between us is that you, as horrific as your experiences were, at least had the ability to seek justice. You live in a country where courts exist, where due process is at least a possibility, where you can name your trauma without fearing your entire family will be targeted for it. My female family members—who were raped by an occupying military force backed by your government—will never have that. There is no trial, no investigation, no recognition of their suffering beyond the stories I carry. And yet, you have the audacity to act as though I am the one being “cold and callous” for pointing out that distinction.

    You say “suffering isn’t a metric”—but you spent your entire response listing your own.
    1. You weren’t trying to relate, you were trying to dilute the conversation by making it about you instead of the U.S. government’s role in sustaining the system that allows this to happen.
    2. You got upset because I forced you to acknowledge that your trauma, as real as it is, does not place you in the same geopolitical reality as a Palestinian. You didn’t like hearing that, so now you’re framing this as me being cruel rather than confronting your own discomfort.
    3. This was never about “who has suffered more”—it’s about who has the ability to seek justice and who never will. You live in a country that, despite its flaws, at least grants you that option. My people will never have that luxury.
    4. You claim to want to “influence the government” to stop aiding genocide, yet the moment I push you to confront why America keeps doing this, you dismiss the entire conversation as “silly.” You’re not looking for change—you’re looking for an excuse to feel morally exempt.
    5. Blocking me doesn’t change reality. You didn’t tap out because you were wronged—you tapped out because you realized there is no moral loophole that will make this any less damning.

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Thread really makes the third wordlist wolf inside me rear its head. Crazy how big of scumbags so many amerikans are and how proud they are of it.

    Nonetheless we will persist with organizing actual working class Americans who actually matter.

  • Big Tobacco

    Thread really makes the third wordlist wolf inside me rear its head. Crazy how big of scumbags so many amerikans are and how proud they are of it.

    Nonetheless we will persist with organizing actual working class Americans who actually matter.

    Every accusation is a confession. The guy just literally tokenized sexual assault.

  • Feb 5
    2 replies

    yea idk man im an african american i am concerned about the state of a country that influences the rest of the world. i have no knowledge of where im from in africa and call this place my home. i didnt drag anything back, i said it one time. you are mentally ill and need to log off this forum. from your posts in music to in here you are clearly a very tainted soul that needs love. im sorry this genocide is happening im sorry that probably people you know or your family and culture are being destroyed by extremely evil Israelis and Americans, i am not trying to dismiss what is going on there at all. i simply asked what were we supposed to do, let trump get elected or vote for the cop. 36 days into the new year and i simply feel like we made the wrong decision

    "what am I to do", he said, without his house being in rubble

    stop with this bullshit, stop calling me "mentally ill" (its offensive and racist and dehumanizing), palestinians told yall what to do. dont vote for either party, oppose your own imperialists be any means necessary. if you aint that person than just say that but stop with this "I have no idea what to do i must merely mitigate my personal s***". youre actually just being a coward.

    but assuming you just read what I told you for the first time, do you now possess the will to do what must be done to prevent a genocide?

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    if we get enough users together and draft a statement of concern we may be able to ban them, the first step to losing is believing you lost


    Bro thinks I'm a resistance lib because I don't approve of hysterical death threats from creeps online that belong in mental institutions

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 5
    1 reply

    "what am I to do", he said, without his house being in rubble

    stop with this bullshit, stop calling me "mentally ill" (its offensive and racist and dehumanizing), palestinians told yall what to do. dont vote for either party, oppose your own imperialists be any means necessary. if you aint that person than just say that but stop with this "I have no idea what to do i must merely mitigate my personal s***". youre actually just being a coward.

    but assuming you just read what I told you for the first time, do you now possess the will to do what must be done to prevent a genocide?

    nigga i didnt vote what the f*** else do yall want us to do

    nigga said im racist and dehumanizing im saying ur mentally ill because of 99% of ur behavior everywhere BUT this thread. you're a very weird poster bro

    nigga said im being a coward bro go pull a luigi since u so f***ing gangsta

    go back to twitter

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 5
    2 replies

    ian never coming back in this section u niggas are CRAZY

  • Fka Groovy

    Bro thinks I'm a resistance lib because I don't approve of hysterical death threats from creeps online that belong in mental institutions

    so close! it's actually the genocidal racism people find appalling about you. I can see though, from your point of view, how you'd get that confused.

  • goretex

    ian never coming back in this section u niggas are CRAZY

    good, f*** off forever please

  • goretex

    nigga i didnt vote what the f*** else do yall want us to do

    nigga said im racist and dehumanizing im saying ur mentally ill because of 99% of ur behavior everywhere BUT this thread. you're a very weird poster bro

    nigga said im being a coward bro go pull a luigi since u so f***ing gangsta

    go back to twitter

    "what can I do armed resistance is fake and a fairy tale"

    he said, to the palestinian, after palestine just won an armed uprising against the israelis.

    yall can do more than voting and its so p**** that you view anything more than that as "mental illness". just telling on yourself.
