  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    Fka Groovy

    Then get off the f***ing computer blaming Americans for something?

    I never said we're on equal footing. Not ONCE. YOU brought it up.

    I said I have EMPATHY for you and I will not be quiet because you want to rage at me and get me to believe what you believe. I don't care whether you accept it, care for what I'm doing, or not. But this blame and hatred- you are misplacing it.

    And stop f***ing using the suffering of your people online to win debates that's f***ing weirdo behavior. I will never ever stoop that low and exploit my own family members' pain as an example.

    oh wow he has empathy omg thank you I will bag this empathy up and try to trade it in at the commissary for more genocide

  • insane how racist and openly chauvanistic you can be toward certain groups of people on here before anything ever happens, bro straight up said "do more, stop blaming me" to a west bank resident

  • Snowboy

    oh wow he has empathy omg thank you I will bag this empathy up and try to trade it in at the commissary for more genocide

    Yeah, I finally got him to just go full mask off.

    Buddy accused me of using my Palestinian suffering as a debate point.

    What else is there to really say lol

  • Feb 5
    3 replies

    I don’t want to speak for that guys politics but he has never mentioned himself being a communist or a leftist on this website and is speaking to you from direct experience without his rhetoric having implicit or explicit “leftist” undertones like some other users on this site

    I know your hearts in the right place but yeah this is extremely sad and actual American chauvinism at its finest I can’t even really say much else just at a loss for words

    Absolutely not at all the case of how this conversation went, and if all arguments should stop because one person is there and the other isn't it's kinda weird like how can we ever even speak if any points I'm making

    No matter how true, no matter how much in good faith, don't matter because I happen to be born in America and therefore I am wrong.

    Acknowledging my privilege isn't me being chauvinistic. This conversation is useless and just drags down further and further into ugly areas and at this point I'm not gonna engage anymore when people are asking about my female family members getting sexually assaulted. Ridiculous.

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    Fka Groovy

    Absolutely not at all the case of how this conversation went, and if all arguments should stop because one person is there and the other isn't it's kinda weird like how can we ever even speak if any points I'm making

    No matter how true, no matter how much in good faith, don't matter because I happen to be born in America and therefore I am wrong.

    Acknowledging my privilege isn't me being chauvinistic. This conversation is useless and just drags down further and further into ugly areas and at this point I'm not gonna engage anymore when people are asking about my female family members getting sexually assaulted. Ridiculous.

    He never said that

    Drink bleach and die punk ass b****, never speak on Palestine again and yeah it’s time to leave the thread

  • Feb 5

    I don’t want to speak for that guys politics but he has never mentioned himself being a communist or a leftist on this website and is speaking to you from direct experience without his rhetoric having implicit or explicit “leftist” undertones like some other users on this site

    I know your hearts in the right place but yeah this is extremely sad and actual American chauvinism at its finest I can’t even really say much else just at a loss for words

    Hearts in the right place when he comes out with things like this:

    “ And stop f***ing using the suffering of your people online to win debates that's f***ing weirdo behavior. I will never ever stoop that low and exploit my own family members' pain as an example.”

    He’s just a full narcissist

    He has to explicitly type repeatedly that supposedly has empathy, but then he says something like that lol

    I clocked it pretty early on, there’s really no fundamental reason he should feel so insecure about this and chosen to engage with me, a Palestinian on this. He went into full narcissistic rage after the mask dropped

    Thank you to him for being a pretty surreal example of American privilege and apathy

  • Fka Groovy

    Absolutely not at all the case of how this conversation went, and if all arguments should stop because one person is there and the other isn't it's kinda weird like how can we ever even speak if any points I'm making

    No matter how true, no matter how much in good faith, don't matter because I happen to be born in America and therefore I am wrong.

    Acknowledging my privilege isn't me being chauvinistic. This conversation is useless and just drags down further and further into ugly areas and at this point I'm not gonna engage anymore when people are asking about my female family members getting sexually assaulted. Ridiculous.

    not for nothing but this is exactly the "excuse" KKK members make for white people

    "I cant feel bad about my heritage/place of birth, I have nothing to do with the sins of my nation's past, etc."

    id say its weird that you lack the self-awareness to realize this but I also am never shocked at the horrific s*** people will say to defend their class privilege

  • anyway, mods? id say its time. if this ain't clear cut racism idk what is.

  • americans really get on an internet forum that I can access in any corner of the globe and think all this s*** is about them, always.

    sorry bro but that ain't real life.

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    teku izing

    He never said that

    Drink bleach and die punk ass b****, never speak on Palestine again and yeah it’s time to leave the thread

    Exhibit #2000939 of the mere existence of @Snowboy and their buddies casually spewing death threats while calling for bans

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 5
    1 reply

    "palestinians were all gonna die anyway, can't we focus on ourselves?"

    its legit weird that you dont feel like a sociopath typing this.

    Bro… are you niggas actually slow?

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Bro… are you niggas actually slow?

    hey stupid you know we can all read your comments right

    you called the genocide a "distraction"

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    Fka Groovy

    Exhibit #2000939 of the mere existence of @Snowboy and their buddies casually spewing death threats while calling for bans

    I didn't say s*** but you deserve it for being a racist piece of s*** and what you said was worse since you condemned hundreds of thousands of people

  • he feels bad about it though so it's fine

  • Fka Groovy

    Absolutely not at all the case of how this conversation went, and if all arguments should stop because one person is there and the other isn't it's kinda weird like how can we ever even speak if any points I'm making

    No matter how true, no matter how much in good faith, don't matter because I happen to be born in America and therefore I am wrong.

    Acknowledging my privilege isn't me being chauvinistic. This conversation is useless and just drags down further and further into ugly areas and at this point I'm not gonna engage anymore when people are asking about my female family members getting sexually assaulted. Ridiculous.

    Ah, so now that you’ve run out of excuses, suddenly the conversation is “toxic” and “dragging into ugly areas.” How convenient.
    1. You weren’t debating in “good faith”—you were just hoping I’d coddle your moral crisis and got pissed when I didn’t.
    2. I brought up my female family members being sexually assaulted by the IDF as part of my lived experience, and when I asked if you’ve ever had to deal with the same, you suddenly decided this was too ugly to engage with. That’s not moral outrage—it’s cowardice. What the reality of my trauma and my family’s trauma triggers you? Too bad for you privledged American.
    3. No one said you’re wrong because you’re American—you’re wrong because your entire argument is a contradiction: acknowledging privilege while pretending it has no consequences, claiming empathy while tone-policing the people suffering, acting like Americans are powerless while still demanding to be morally excused.
    4. If this conversation is so useless, why did you keep desperately trying to justify yourself to me? Because deep down, you know this isn’t about logic—it’s about your inability to sit with your own complacency.
    5. You didn’t tap out because this discussion went too far—you tapped out because you finally realized you can’t argue your way out of the truth.

  • Feb 5
    2 replies

    this pro-Trump thread disguised as a pro-Palestine discussion is still going?

    you sound like a loser and you don’t understand anything about this situation but go ahead and keep acting like you do maybe incompetent democrats had a stronger foreign policy they would have won

    democrats were already allowing genocide to help for a decades+, with lying over and over and over with no care about Palestinians. you rlly dense asf and need to DIE for thinking like this

  • Feb 5
    2 replies

    I didn't say s*** but you deserve it for being a racist piece of s*** and what you said was worse since you condemned hundreds of thousands of people

    I was never racist. Am not racist, and don't accept this claim

    You can scour my posts and you'll find zero instances of me being racist. In fact, all you find is me hating on racists.

    You may hysterically and intentionally twist my words because you're a f***ing cretinous weirdo that should be purged from the server; but I am not racist.

    I'm not gonna go band for band over the trauma I've experienced to prove anything to anyone. Anywhere lmao. ESPECIALLY not on a Kanye West fan forum.

    Seethe and cope p****

  • Feb 5

    you sound like a loser and you don’t understand anything about this situation but go ahead and keep acting like you do maybe incompetent democrats had a stronger foreign policy they would have won

    democrats were already allowing genocide to help for a decades+, with lying over and over and over with no care about Palestinians. you rlly dense asf and need to DIE for thinking like this

    the amount of people trying to go back to square one on this topic posting tweets bullet points and snarky questions is incredible. at least theyre not trying to defend them being pieces of s*** like that other dumb f*** in here now

  • Feb 5

    You sat here and accused me of using my very real suffering as a Palestinian as a tool for debate very much what a racist Israeli Zionist would say, and has said to me by the way in person

    It was only a matter of time until you revealed your true colors Groovy

  • Fka Groovy

    @Bird Boy

    All this anger and posturing is pointless, especially when it's targeted towards civilians who are also victims of the United States on their own soil?

    This is the problem with online leftists' angry purity test bullshit. You fail to meet the people where they are at and they unilaterally reject you because you want to punish and hate them for a system many of them were born into.

    Why am I being blamed for Reagan era policies ? Why can't I focus on my country and not what's going on across the globe from me?

    Do you not understand how unpopular support for Israel is on EVERY SIDE OF THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM IN THE UNITED STATES? How unpopular the Iraq war was, how unpopular the war in Vietnam was? How unpopular it is to even send aid to Ukraine?

    But because we have no choice but to participate in the system and try to change it it's all of our faults and therefore we wanted this? When there are actors in our own country that actively thwart any positive efforts because of a false sense of moral superiority + literal fascists in the opposite camp trying to make our country an open market?

    Not voting is not protesting. It's paving the way for a rule by the few

    And I don't feel dirty, nor do I feel sorry or any guilt for choosing to do what's right for me and my family and your condemnation means nothing. Because I know that many of us did not want this.

    Only the ignorant like you have to be pointlessly verbose while saying nothing, just self-serving petty-bourgeois who crave approval from liberal authority figures and academia. probably enjoy reading for the sake of saying you read something and adding it to your goodreads account instead of actually learning acquiring knowledge about your own country

  • Fka Groovy

    I was never racist. Am not racist, and don't accept this claim

    You can scour my posts and you'll find zero instances of me being racist. In fact, all you find is me hating on racists.

    You may hysterically and intentionally twist my words because you're a f***ing cretinous weirdo that should be purged from the server; but I am not racist.

    I'm not gonna go band for band over the trauma I've experienced to prove anything to anyone. Anywhere lmao. ESPECIALLY not on a Kanye West fan forum.

    Seethe and cope p****

    guys you won't believe this, he said he's not racist

    nobody has ever pulled out this johnny cochranian level defense before

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    Fka Groovy

    I was never racist. Am not racist, and don't accept this claim

    You can scour my posts and you'll find zero instances of me being racist. In fact, all you find is me hating on racists.

    You may hysterically and intentionally twist my words because you're a f***ing cretinous weirdo that should be purged from the server; but I am not racist.

    I'm not gonna go band for band over the trauma I've experienced to prove anything to anyone. Anywhere lmao. ESPECIALLY not on a Kanye West fan forum.

    Seethe and cope p****

    You sat here and accused me of using my very real suffering as a Palestinian as a tool for debate very much what a racist Israeli Zionist would say, and has said to me by the way in person

    It was only a matter of time until you revealed your true colors

    Repeats a racist Israeli talking point

    “I’m not racist!”

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Feb 5
    1 reply

    hey stupid you know we can all read your comments right

    you called the genocide a "distraction"

    no... i called the debate that democrats had over it that divided them as a group was a distraction. the fact you all are watching donald trump destroy the country and probably lead us into ww3 while also just stating were taking over the gaza strip

    like in WHAT world does voting for the zionist kamala worse than voting for the zionist pedophile rapist wetard donald trump

    literally what the f*** about this even makes sense

    and also, other than typing long winded schizo rants online, what the f*** have you actually done for the people for Palestine? have you put any money up? have you protested in the slightest? or is b****ing online the start and end to your activism. you niggas love performing

  • Feb 5
    1 reply
    Bird Boy
    · edited

    You sat here and accused me of using my very real suffering as a Palestinian as a tool for debate very much what a racist Israeli Zionist would say, and has said to me by the way in person

    It was only a matter of time until you revealed your true colors

    Repeats a racist Israeli talking point

    “I’m not racist!”

    bro thinks he just invented the psychology self defense of saying "no I'm not"

  • Snowboy

    bro thinks he just invented the psychology self defense of saying "no I'm not"

    Nah for real, he should be banned for that

    For 100% fact, he wouldn’t have approached this conversation in any similar manner if this was in a public discourse not online

    Telling a Palestinian in response to them, sharing their trauma of their family members being assaulted and killed that it’s being used as a debate point? Yikes
