Uh yes? Why wouldn’t it?
Idk, but it’s not like most other hobbies thats why i asked
Does Mixed Martial Arts count?
Yeah. One of the best. How long you been training bro
I do professional standup comedy. Does that count?
Yes? Why wouldn't it?
I do professional standup comedy. Does that count?
I saw you in October '19 your set was S***! Pandered to middle-aged long islanders who equate cancel culture to nazism the entire time
I saw you in October '19 your set was S***! Pandered to middle-aged long islanders who equate cancel culture to nazism the entire time
Still got your money.
Because it’s a career and not a hobby
So you have found a way to monetize your hobby.
I do professional standup comedy. Does that count?
Definitely, this takes a lot of balls and a lot of time to get good at. That's a dope hobby
I feel like it is equally important for men and women to have hobbies, and arguably more important for women than men.
Women that enjoy cooking and cleaning>>>>>>
Also, making money in and of itself should not be a hobby, but the monetizing of your hobby should be the ultimate objective of it. Making money on its own as a pleasantry will drive a person to do questionable things.
Tf lol
Yeah. One of the best. How long you been training bro
I haven’t started yet but i plan to do soon, i’ve just been working out trying to be in the best shape so i’m not getting murdered or being a bother when i sign up
Tf lol
You disagree?
One of my biggest issues with music right now is that I'm too financially stressed to really enjoy it. I leave studio sessions feeling anxious and depressed if I don't make something good enough to be a hit.
You disagree?
One of my biggest issues with music right now is that I'm too financially stressed to really enjoy it. I leave studio sessions feeling anxious and depressed if I don't make something good enough to be a hit.
Yea that’s exactly the problem with trying to monetize everything. Not saying you can’t make money in something related to music but your hobby is gonna become work for you if trying to monetize is always on your mind
Very true. I’m trying to find a hobby right now. Technically right now going to the gym is my hobby but I want something besides that.
Fym especially If u a man?
Men have higher rates of depression and suicide than women. It’s also much harder for men to make friends than women because we are inherently less social. A hobby can potentially eliminate both of those things because it gives a man a reason to live and exposes him to more likeminded men.
I don’t know why people are so scared to acknowledge the distinction between men and women. We’re different.