Capitalism? Y'all sound crazy. People in general don't like obscure things and love action, simple as that. Y'all mad about people liking what they like lmao, no one is trying to watch a cartoon about a guy trying to get a girl or slice of life
Companies going with what will make them the most money also plays a big factor. What's gonna sell more toys, giant robot or romance comedy?
Niggas got me hot s*** I’m bout to go workout on some apex predator s***
Lol who cares just let ppl enjoy things
Companies going with what will make them the most money also plays a big factor. What's gonna sell more toys, giant robot or romance comedy?
I dont think he understands that s*** like Ichigo 100x will not blow up in the west so Companies wont give it a chance meanwhile BC is number 1 on Crunchyroll(I enjoy the manga but come on bro. BC anime is mid Studio Pierrot fodder and the plot isnt stellar or anything)
Still cant believe a nigga who plays Senran Kagura while complaining about censorship is gatekeeping anime...
People like him got bullied back in the days and everyone was fine with it
if u like anime, u an anime fan
fortunately only a few stupid people in this thread trying to gatekeep
GT overhated, had a great soundtrack too
like mfs be talking about oldschool kid animes and claim to be something
Dont talk to me if u havent watched bakemonogatari series tf
shut up man lmfao.
watching monogatari doesn't make you special (and not being American doesn't either, since you seem to think your taste is superior to them )
get back in your cave so you can coom over shinobu freak
man, I love anime and manga, but weebs are WOAT sometimes.
doubly so if you ever check out the hololive community, those folks are so damn unfunny and strange a good majority of the time.
I watched the whole show lol
The internet told me i should watch Brotherhood instead of the original, but I think I should’ve watched the original first for me to be able to enjoy Brotherhood better. I’m assuming that people regard B as better because it’s more like the manga, but some stories are better told in manga than in animation, specially when they’re very complex. For instance I didn’t like most of AoT until AFTER i read the manga and rewatched the show.
Yeah idk how u can watch all of brotherhood and not fw it heavy. Ion what to tell u
man, I love anime and manga, but weebs are WOAT sometimes.
doubly so if you ever check out the hololive community, those folks are so damn unfunny and strange a good majority of the time.
Anime weebs also racist af
True, youll never see a Shoujo magazine at a scholastic book fair.
But I reject the notion that American anime taste are trash.
I would argue that American anime tastes like you said are subject to the whims of capitalism or in other words, what we get marketed to us.
If its popular overseas and action oriented. It'll probably be sent abroad to America. If its selling a product a la Bakugan or Beyblade, America.
However I reject the notion WSJ series marketed to the west are trash like that poster basically implied. WSJ quality for long running series is usually average to great.
And s***ting on Dragon Ball like DB wasnt a well choreographed manga with iconic moments is shortsighted. Say what you will about the anime but the DB manga is generally fun and deserving of acclaim
Even then, access to anime is much better than it was say, 15-20 (even 10) years ago. When I (and maybe you too, I don't want to assume your age), was young, we only got supplied with Naruto/DBZ/Bleach/Bebop/ect, all good shows but it was a limited supply. We got maybe 2/3 NEW shows every year or so, if we were lucky.
With Crunchyroll, VRV, Funimation, better access to the internet, ect, you can watch just about anything. I know plenty of people who just enjoy battle shounen (Black Clover), but also know people who tune in to less popular or less known shows (like say, this season's Jaku-chara Tomozaki-kun, or Horimiya).
I think that some of the statements made in this thread would have maybe been valid 15 years ago, but it is simply not the case anymore.
Anime weebs also racist af
sometimes this s*** do be true
people be getting tilted over black cosplayers and s***, i never understood it
this why i just watch anime myself and dont be goin on twitter and s***, racist weebs thrive on there
I remember getting clowned heavy for liking anime but now more people getting into it they can appreciate it more. I remember trying to put so many people on to hxh 2011 after it ended
Anime weebs also racist af
Most fandoms are racist against black people.
Nun new.
Anime weebs also racist af
they're on some "Japanese superiority" s*** tbh. they always gotta defend the sus ass depictions of foreigners in Japanese media sometimes too.
Ngl that s*** did start getting kinda wack
You got mfers watching the NEW dragon ball z on nickelodeaon and s***
they're on some "Japanese superiority" s*** tbh. they always gotta defend the sus ass depictions of foreigners in Japanese media sometimes too.
this be the craziest s***
japanese media can be hella racist and depicts foreigners awfully, but weebs who never been to japan or experienced japanese culture will cape for it non stop
Ngl that s*** did start getting kinda wack
You got mfers watching the NEW dragon ball z on nickelodeaon and s***
casual fans can mean more deep fans down the line, and it should be welcome.
nothing wrong with people getting into anime watching DBZ Kai on nick lol
can't be bitter about being roasted for being a weeb in 2011 forever