  • Feb 16, 2021

    gatekeeping is dweeb s***
    gatekeeping anime is SUPER dweeb s***

  • Feb 16, 2021

    Even then, access to anime is much better than it was say, 15-20 (even 10) years ago. When I (and maybe you too, I don't want to assume your age), was young, we only got supplied with Naruto/DBZ/Bleach/Bebop/ect, all good shows but it was a limited supply. We got maybe 2/3 NEW shows every year or so, if we were lucky.

    With Crunchyroll, VRV, Funimation, better access to the internet, ect, you can watch just about anything. I know plenty of people who just enjoy battle shounen (Black Clover), but also know people who tune in to less popular or less known shows (like say, this season's Jaku-chara Tomozaki-kun, or Horimiya).

    I think that some of the statements made in this thread would have maybe been valid 15 years ago, but it is simply not the case anymore.

    Ngl Im stuck 11 years in the past. The realm of Crunchyroll being bought by Sony and Netflix originals escapes me.

    But I agree, back in the day content was limited to mostly Jump or whatever S
    Adult Swim or SyFy could get back then.

    Now I just read manga. Been that way since HS

  • Feb 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Op stay stealing topics from The Coli

  • Feb 16, 2021
    1 reply

    casual fans can mean more deep fans down the line, and it should be welcome.

    nothing wrong with people getting into anime watching DBZ Kai on nick lol

    can't be bitter about being roasted for being a weeb in 2011 forever

    Nah, f*** all that.

    Unless you've seen "Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama S***eiru" you're a casual

  • Feb 16, 2021
    Not Like Josuke

    Nah, f*** all that.

    Unless you've seen "Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama S***eiru" you're a casual

    ok this show is f***ing flames but no

  • Feb 16, 2021
    1 reply

    this be the craziest s***

    japanese media can be hella racist and depicts foreigners awfully, but weebs who never been to japan or experienced japanese culture will cape for it non stop

    especially against Korean and Chinese folks. like man you're not Japanese, haven't even been there, and you're being xenophobic as hell you have no stakes in that convo

  • Feb 16, 2021
    2 replies

    Op stay stealing topics from The Coli

    It was actually trending last night.
    Netflix and funimation was calling dude out

  • Feb 16, 2021
    Alfredo Mobstah

    It was actually trending last night.
    Netflix and funimation was calling dude out

    What about that other Twitter thread

  • Feb 16, 2021
    1 reply

    shut up man lmfao.

    watching monogatari doesn't make you special (and not being American doesn't either, since you seem to think your taste is superior to them )

    get back in your cave so you can coom over shinobu freak

    I dont need any kind if validation to enjoy quality animes, yall weirdos

  • Feb 16, 2021

    Idgaf what you call me Demon Slayer is THAT S***

  • Feb 16, 2021

    Only a weeb could name 5,000 hours of television and call that entry level.

  • Feb 16, 2021

    Still cant believe a nigga who plays Senran Kagura while complaining about censorship is gatekeeping anime...

    People like him got bullied back in the days and everyone was fine with it

  • Feb 16, 2021

    especially against Korean and Chinese folks. like man you're not Japanese, haven't even been there, and you're being xenophobic as hell you have no stakes in that convo

    Knew one of those weaboo chicks in hs who would always claim to be japanese even tho she clearly wasn't. Shorty was 100% white

    But her last name sounded LOOOOOOOOW key, could be.

    Always wanted to fact check that s***

  • Feb 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Even then, access to anime is much better than it was say, 15-20 (even 10) years ago. When I (and maybe you too, I don't want to assume your age), was young, we only got supplied with Naruto/DBZ/Bleach/Bebop/ect, all good shows but it was a limited supply. We got maybe 2/3 NEW shows every year or so, if we were lucky.

    With Crunchyroll, VRV, Funimation, better access to the internet, ect, you can watch just about anything. I know plenty of people who just enjoy battle shounen (Black Clover), but also know people who tune in to less popular or less known shows (like say, this season's Jaku-chara Tomozaki-kun, or Horimiya).

    I think that some of the statements made in this thread would have maybe been valid 15 years ago, but it is simply not the case anymore.

    You're absolutely correct, but let's not act like the reverberations of what went on during the 90 and early 2000s anime boom still isn't being felt today. Even in the streaming era.

    As far as precedence goes, all those shonens are still benefitting from those times despite the better access that consumers now have and having a broader scope to what anime can be.

  • Feb 16, 2021

    Thank god nobody f***s the type of people who gatekeep anime.

  • Feb 16, 2021

    people like popular things?

  • Feb 16, 2021

    AAN and Weebs are two different things imo

  • Feb 16, 2021
    Alfredo Mobstah

    It was actually trending last night.
    Netflix and funimation was calling dude out

    Sailor Moon was just trending on Twitter because of this.

  • Feb 16, 2021

    These guys always imagine TRUE anime as s*** with high schoolers and some rude 15 year old girl that they feel uncomfortably drawn to in the most suspect way

  • Feb 16, 2021
    1 reply

    this be the craziest s***

    japanese media can be hella racist and depicts foreigners awfully, but weebs who never been to japan or experienced japanese culture will cape for it non stop

    I was in a clubhouse room with a bunch of black weebs talking about Japanese love black people. This black dude that lived in Japan was like stop the cap, Japanese are crazy racist and don’t even know black people like anime

  • Feb 16, 2021

    I was in a clubhouse room with a bunch of black weebs talking about Japanese love black people. This black dude that lived in Japan was like stop the cap, Japanese are crazy racist and don’t even know black people like anime

    u can always tell who been and who hasnt by how they talk about it dude

  • Feb 16, 2021

    I dont need any kind if validation to enjoy quality animes, yall weirdos

    ur the one trying to gatekeep s*** i think its clear who the weirdo is

  • Feb 16, 2021
    1 reply

    going random but

    bakemonogatari series
    cowboy bebop
    violet evergarden


    All of them based off impact alone.

  • Feb 16, 2021

    You're absolutely correct, but let's not act like the reverberations of what went on during the 90 and early 2000s anime boom still isn't being felt today. Even in the streaming era.

    As far as precedence goes, all those shonens are still benefitting from those times despite the better access that consumers now have and having a broader scope to what anime can be.

    If people care, they'll look into more stuff. If they don't, it's fine, that's their choice and if they just want to enjoy shounen it's fine.

    Sure, the reverberations are still being felt, but now people actually have the tools to broaden their horizons should they want/choose to.

  • Feb 16, 2021
    2 replies

    Gatekeeping is a necessary part of maintaining the passion, fidelity, and integrity of any hobby. Shaming gatekeeping is an ignorant thing to do.
