You are being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. This is a lawsuit funded by the NRA to undermine the progress that has been made passing gun safety laws yet you are out here trying to make an argument that someone who isn't even supposed to be in this country, but used every loophole to obtain a gun, should have the right to shoot BLM protesters who are protesting gun violence, police brutality and the laws and flawed court rulings (like this one) that have exacerbated this situation. We should be aiming to get guns out of people's hands not "more guns for for the sake of equality". What is wrong with you.
@americana what say u
That guy is a loser. Pay him no mind. What makes it funnier though is he’s a Euro and there’s about a 50% chance wherever he lived at sided with Nazi Germany, pretty funny to see someone like this with a high horse.
I’m American bruh, and the fact you have this saved says more about you.
crine you never escaping the accusations
S***s crazy. And I’m being called xenophobic when half my family comes from the Caribbean
That guy is a loser. Pay him no mind. What makes it funnier though is he’s a Euro and there’s about a 50% chance wherever he lived at sided with Nazi Germany, pretty funny to see someone like this with a high horse.
That doesn’t mean you can just go
live wherever you want. I can’t just go to Canada and live there
yea b**** come to Canada and me and Baka will beat the s*** out of you
so we use "illegal immigrants" instead of "undocumented immigrants" on ktt huh
what about undocumented migrants
S***s crazy. And I’m being called xenophobic when half my family comes from the Caribbean
bruh you saying u black after a nigga said you were racist had me
niggas the most racist group of people
jk but not really
yea b**** come to Canada and me and Baka will beat the s*** out of you
ill just send this undocumented immigrant to wipe em out
bruh you saying u black after a nigga said you were racist had me
niggas the most racist group of people
jk but not really
I feel you but usually when someone calls you racist on here they’re tryna call you white.
They were tryna paint it like I’m some white American tryna protect my way of life or some bs.
yea b**** come to Canada and me and Baka will beat the s*** out of you
Wait hold up you’re Canadian?
I feel you but usually when someone calls you racist on here they’re tryna call you white.
They were tryna paint it like I’m some white American tryna protect my way of life or some bs.
yea I think most people that shared opinions have a point but everyone arguing different s*** and not willing to understand each other
@americana what say u
Account is making a ridiculous strawman
The Supreme Court protects the first amendment rights of non-citizens and illegal immigrants on the basis of judicial precedent
The second amendment must apply too
You are being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. This is a lawsuit funded by the NRA to undermine the progress that has been made passing gun safety laws yet you are out here trying to make an argument that someone who isn't even supposed to be in this country, but used every loophole to obtain a gun, should have the right to shoot BLM protesters who are protesting gun violence, police brutality and the laws and flawed court rulings (like this one) that have exacerbated this situation. We should be aiming to get guns out of people's hands not "more guns for for the sake of equality". What is wrong with you.
The NRA didn’t fund this. the NRA historically has not assisted nonwhite people with gun ligitation
There is no loophole here. This is a judicial decision that non-citizens annd illegal immigrants are protected by the constitution. This judicial decision has previously been made for the first amendment, and this is an equal application.
This is especially not a loophole because the reality is that a mistake was made in the charging and indictment of this person, by charging them with a crime that has no attached law. Beating that isn’t a loophole.
Nobody said they have the right to shoot BLM protestors, they just said they have the right to own firearms. There is no way you will get guns out of peoples’ hands.
No need to be so stupid itt
yea I think most people that shared opinions have a point but everyone arguing different s*** and not willing to understand each other
Yeah it was a good convo even if we disagree. It just gets real ugly when people start throwing around accusations of racism and blocking people. That’s real soft imo
That’s probably @emu @emucakes huh
Nah I’m talking about @Snowboy
Why do alts of people that got perma’d stay open on this site?
they don’t IP ban anymore
you can troll on an account on here and just fire up a new one within 5 seconds if you get clapped
Nah I’m talking about @Snowboy
no clue what you're talking about bro, who do you think I am