yea I think most people that shared opinions have a point but everyone arguing different s*** and not willing to understand each other
Cause lotta them ain't tryna discuss s*** lol just putting words into people's mouths or assume they're anti-immigrant so they can stroke their small and impotent cocks in multiple page length arguments.
You are being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. This is a lawsuit funded by the NRA to undermine the progress that has been made passing gun safety laws yet you are out here trying to make an argument that someone who isn't even supposed to be in this country, but used every loophole to obtain a gun, should have the right to shoot BLM protesters who are protesting gun violence, police brutality and the laws and flawed court rulings (like this one) that have exacerbated this situation. We should be aiming to get guns out of people's hands not "more guns for for the sake of equality". What is wrong with you.
Cooked that bozo