But every content is boring now. Deleted Instagram. Twitter is redundant. Ktt2 only occasionally entertaining. Music was my everything, but nowadays it's just not entertaining.
What could I replace my phone time with? Even if it takes years to readjust my fried brain..
I was thinking of buying a kindle and read books. Or what suggestions do you have?
Don’t get a kindle just buy physical books. You’ll just end up using the kindle web browser.
This has happened to me several time and I usually pivot to reading. It’s relaxing, stimulates imagination and really helps slow your brain down. Read comics, manga, fiction, non fiction just read something
This has happened to me several time and I usually pivot to reading. It’s relaxing, stimulates imagination and really helps slow your brain down. Read comics, manga, fiction, non fiction just read something
This too such a goat way to relax and just get lost into something
just dont browse your phone use it like the tool its intended as call, text, communication recognize anything outside of that you shouldnt be doing and turn off notifs for stuff
This has happened to me several time and I usually pivot to reading. It’s relaxing, stimulates imagination and really helps slow your brain down. Read comics, manga, fiction, non fiction just read something
erotic novels
just dont browse your phone use it like the tool its intended as call, text, communication recognize anything outside of that you shouldnt be doing and turn off notifs for stuff
Holy s*** you figured it out. Wrap up the thread yall
same here
when i try to use a lockbox i bought i get stuck in my thoughts after locking it away and i really cant sleep
Also find some type of community based hobby
im also taking suggestions
I get bored within the first 2-3 minutes of every movie, show or anime I try to watch
i find most books to be boring af, maybe ill just watch more anime
It sounds cliche, but you just have to find a book that suits your tastes. Also, coming off the high dopamine your phone gives you, anything will seem boring in comparison
im also taking suggestions
Martial arts
Sports in general
S***, go to an anime convention
i suggest finding two hobbies one more “consumption” based like being a film nerd, reading books etc and one “creative” based, where you create new “things” whether be writing stories or painting u get it
Martial arts
Sports in general
S***, go to an anime convention
yea ig the tricky part is reaching out to people and finding groups for these activities
Turn your phone into a fixed space
Dont take it with you, leave it on your desk more and more and only use it when youre at a desk
Find other things to do and stick with it and youll be good after a few months