Just got home from the vet with my dog and my worst fears were realized. She has two masses, one on her liver and one on her spleen. They also want her to see the cardiologist because they think something might be wrong with her heart. I don't know if the masses are cancerous, I can't take her to the cardiologist because I can't afford any of it. This trip alone cost almost $1000.
I feel so guilty because I can't even find out what's actually wrong with her and get her the proper help she deserves. I don't know what to do, it's hard to even look at her right now.
Same thing happened to me bro, they asked like 4K for a surgery on my dog and I didn’t have the money :( they had to put it down
Awww I'm sorry OP. ☹
Its tough to own animals at times because of their short lifespan and the strong emotional attachment we have for them.
Start a gofundme
They were explaining yesterday that given her age, surgery (if even possible) would be incredibly risky for her. Don't know how I'd feel if I had people raise money for a surgery that ended up being unsuccessful.
I'm gonna have a talk with my dad later about what to do but I think I know what needs to be done.
Because we didn’t raise or spend a lot of time with them?
Shut up b**** and stop trying to make a social issue out of this. F*** outta here with this stupid question
Little update: The reason we took her to the vet originally was because she wasn't eating. Yesterday she ate quite a bit, close to what she would eat on a normal day and more than she had eaten in the past 3-4 days combined. Her energy levels are way up.
Because unless you have a direct connection to someone you probably couldn’t care less if they’re in pain or dying. It’s also a cultural thing. In most places in the world nobody really cares about a dog’s life but in the West dogs are seen basically like children.