I'm actually losing it bro
I have a fever of 104 now that's been gradually getting worse, have barely slept for 3 days, and am having debilitating lethargy/joint pain
She keeps giving me painkillers like Tylenol/Ibuprofen to lower the fever (which they're only doing mildly)
But I just woke up at 5AM from extreme head & body pain and high fever and she brought ice cream from downstairs to "cool my body down" and isn't taking my complaints of literally not being able to move seriously
And I overheard her and my dad mutter "Wtf can the emergency room/hospital do, he's just gonna sit in a waiting room"
Why the f*** are Asian parents actually clueless
I feel delirious and confused now and idk what to do
UPDATE: We went to the Urgent Care but the woman there was like "rest and fluids!" & gave some tylenol and sent me on the way, even after I told her I was having extreme joint pain and felt like I was dying
The PCR test and rapid flu test came back negative for flu, COVID, RSV
I'm still f***ing sick idk what this s*** is
I felt symptoms around 3 hours after going to a massage parlor
UPDATE 2: Went to ER and they DX me with pneumonia after a chest x ray
Fun stuff
I thought Asian culture has its own natural remedies to stuff like this, sorry to hear this op
try to do this:
and before y'all b**** about socks in vinegar I can assure you this works and it's a traditional remedy from Eastern Europe
our feet are connected to all organs and vinegar is like holy water for the body
(also the aim is to have you sweat the most you can, while drinking lots of teas and water)
Your parents are right..you’re going to sit in the waiting room
what's better though ice cream or an actual hospital to make sure it's just the flu and not smth else
as an asian person too, i dont think ive ever been taken to an emergency room/hospital for being sick. I just take medicine until i feel better
try to do this:
and before y'all b**** about socks in vinegar I can assure you this works and it's a traditional remedy from Eastern Europe
our feet are connected to all organs and vinegar is like holy water for the body
(also the aim is to have you sweat the most you can, while drinking lots of teas and water)
Vinegar is like holy water for the body?
what's better though ice cream or an actual hospital to make sure it's just the flu and not smth else
That was thoughtful
Of course if it persists for longer take yourself to an urgent care. I know for a fact you’ll just sit in a hospital waiting room, maybe be given some fluids and the same medication you can take at home.
Vinegar is like holy water for the body?
Doctors & scientists hate this one simple trick!
Vinegar is like holy water for the body?
try to do this:
and before y'all b**** about socks in vinegar I can assure you this works and it's a traditional remedy from Eastern Europe
our feet are connected to all organs and vinegar is like holy water for the body
(also the aim is to have you sweat the most you can, while drinking lots of teas and water)
damn fr? where in eastern europe is it common?
damn fr? where in eastern europe is it common?
basically most if not all the balkans
If you’re taking both Tylenol and ibuprofen together and your fever is still 104 on them, you need to go to get evaluated.
If you’re taking both Tylenol and ibuprofen together and your fever is still 104 on them, you need to go to get evaluated.
Brings it down by a degree but it comes back up one degree higher than before after a few hours
Brings it down by a degree but it comes back up one degree higher than before after a few hours
How old are you
If you're worried go to the hospital