3 days is pretty wild
i think you need to go asap
If you really think you’re dying you should call 911, or perhaps dial a nurse first. Tho I imagine they will tell you to dial 911 too. You could also call a friend to drive you to the hospital if you are worried about the ambulance cost. Emergency room is already expensive on its own but it is worth it if you feel like this is serious
Lurking you gotta be in ur 20s atp man get ur ass up and go to the hospital if u want
Goto the ER and collapse as soon as you get in there
But make sure to fall tactically so you don’t bump your head OP!
My parents ignored me while I had a 107 fever at 16 from eating a bad subway sandwich
Ended up losing like 20 pounds and suffering for a week
tbh they right about the er, year ago I had crazy stomach pains and spent about 5 hours in the er, they never found anything wrong with me, and got hit with a $2k+ bill afterwards
My man really said the feet are connected to all organs and vinegar is like holy water
My man really said the feet are connected to all organs and vinegar is like holy water
Vinegar can solve anything
I believe if you feel like this is serious, go to the hospital yourself and be financially ready to pay that bill since you’re American.
Lurking you gotta be in ur 20s atp man get ur ass up and go to the hospital if u want
Lmaoooo on god. Nigga dying and complaining to us instead of trying to save himself. You can’t make this s*** up.
Lmaoooo on god. Nigga dying and complaining to us instead of trying to save himself. You can’t make this s*** up.
Waiting for the day someone makes a thread after getting shot asking us what they should do