Yall some trolls lmao
Srsly tho, live like a warrior, fight everyday for those u love, and if u don't love nobody just grind to s*** on everybody else
real s*** honestly
not encouraging you to do anything and i'd also advise that you don't
but yeah i get it and i agree on the highest of keys
You have friends?
Naw not really I got 2 guys around me that are my family fr but nah not oc friends
op please anwser man
Sorry bruh, I’m straight I really appreciate u checking in
Could you dive a lil deeper
I mean couple them hobbies was sports
I gave 3 years of my life training rigorously, got no reward or love for any of it
25 years old still in undergrad, feel like I don’t belong and I be mad lonely cuz it just be off chattin wit folks
I done worked the s***tiest jobs an American can think, niggas still struggle for bread
S*** is just tough, no happiness all pain
I mean couple them hobbies was sports
I gave 3 years of my life training rigorously, got no reward or love for any of it
25 years old still in undergrad, feel like I don’t belong and I be mad lonely cuz it just be off chattin wit folks
I done worked the s***tiest jobs an American can think, niggas still struggle for bread
S*** is just tough, no happiness all pain
Go into sales
More pain, but way more gain
peace out
Anytime I see this avi I just know it’s a high chance of something foul being posted
Living ji overrated
If death anything like sleep I’ll be fine
where u from moe
OP back we love you fam stay strong
Love u too my dawg, thanks for lookin out for my well-being I really appreciate it
don’t kill yourself @op time will do it for u so do whatever you want until then
Keep pushing @op look at my profile and you’ll see the amount of s*** that has happened to me since the pandemic. Guess what? I’m still waking up happy with a purpose and pushing forward.
Even today, I woke up and dominion power turned my lights off over an unpaid bill. Instead of letting your struggles hold you back, use that energy to become careless of the world. If someone has something you want? Be careless. Feeling lost in life? Be careless. Use that lack of caring to achieve where you want and knock out anything stopping you.
It’s ok to be selfish and careless if the things worrying you, but still be respectful and stay true to yourself. We all have to die someday but life can change in an instant. Have you tried trying new things? Like new hobbies or jobs you might have overlooked before?
If you are tired of living, then you should be able to approach life with this careless attitude and use it to make yourself happy. Maybe there’s a job you felt you were unqualified for but guess what? Since you don’t care what anyone says just apply and see what happens.
The best part of all my struggles was how easy I navigate through the world without caring. Someone insults me? Don’t care. My job starts demanding too much? Don’t care.
The less you care the easier life gets. Just don’t go overboard, I trust that you will recover from this.
Ain’t good wit socializing
Can't presume to know your story and why it's come to this, so I can't in good faith tell you definitively not to do anything. I'm not in your head, and I don't know your pain. However I've had friends who contemplated sucide, and both of them, at least on the surface, appear to be in a much better place than they were before. One fell in love with movie making, has a promising career ahead of him, met a bunch of friends a girl he likes while going to school for it, etc.
If you thug it out there's a chance it gets better... If you check out there's no chance at all. You say you're no good at anything, but I implore you to try everything. Tiger Woods is one of the greatest golfers of all time... where would he be if he never thought to pick up a club? There's a hobby, a niche, or profession out there that could possibly shine some light in your life and give you the pride and fulfilment you seek in life, but like I said it's up to you if you wanna stick around and find out. I hope you do.
I mean couple them hobbies was sports
I gave 3 years of my life training rigorously, got no reward or love for any of it
25 years old still in undergrad, feel like I don’t belong and I be mad lonely cuz it just be off chattin wit folks
I done worked the s***tiest jobs an American can think, niggas still struggle for bread
S*** is just tough, no happiness all pain
Find you a wife, start you a family, and live you a rewarding life as king of your home. It all sucks I completely feel you. Also, have a drink once every two weeks.
Keep pushing @op look at my profile and you’ll see the amount of s*** that has happened to me since the pandemic. Guess what? I’m still waking up happy with a purpose and pushing forward.
Even today, I woke up and dominion power turned my lights off over an unpaid bill. Instead of letting your struggles hold you back, use that energy to become careless of the world. If someone has something you want? Be careless. Feeling lost in life? Be careless. Use that lack of caring to achieve where you want and knock out anything stopping you.
It’s ok to be selfish and careless if the things worrying you, but still be respectful and stay true to yourself. We all have to die someday but life can change in an instant. Have you tried trying new things? Like new hobbies or jobs you might have overlooked before?
If you are tired of living, then you should be able to approach life with this careless attitude and use it to make yourself happy. Maybe there’s a job you felt you were unqualified for but guess what? Since you don’t care what anyone says just apply and see what happens.
The best part of all my struggles was how easy I navigate through the world without caring. Someone insults me? Don’t care. My job starts demanding too much? Don’t care.
The less you care the easier life gets. Just don’t go overboard, I trust that you will recover from this.
Thank you bruh this was very empowering